The small majority of Board members and the chairman would have you believe that referendums are not necessary.
After all, they were elected to make the hard financial decisions.
They continue to complain of the cost for each referendum, in their Board Notes and in public.
It is because they are withholding government from the people that these referendums are exercised.
It is because the majority of tribal citizens feel that the "elected" are motivated by greed instead of good government.
Citizens are resorting to a constitutional right and their "elected" are complaining.
The government that the Sault Tribe members are getting is the "after the fact " government.
They have been excluded from participating.
That is why distrust exist.
The cost of democracy pales in comparison to the billion and a half that has been squandered by the "elected", in the last decade.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Eve of Destruction/1965-- Fitting for 2011
Path to Destruction/2011
By Jamie Walker:
My apologies to;
P.F. Sloan and Berry McGuire: Eve of destruction/1965
The middle Eastern world, it is exploding
While we're over there
America's imploding
You're old enough to know better
but you're not voting
You wont enlist in war
what's that video game you're totin'?
as the political parties
keep the deficit growin'
and you still waaaatch American Idol and two and a half men, my friend
Cause you refuse to see
We're on the path to destruction.
You don't understand the game they're
going to play
You'd better start hoping there's a
next payday
When the market goes bust
the rich will get their way
There'll be nothing in your savings
the economy looks grave
Open your eyes up boy
it better scare ya boy
and you still waaaatch American Idol and two and a half men, my friend
Cause you refuse to see
We're on the path to destruction.
The guy you voted for
is in the backroom tradin'
or sittin in the men's room
tappin' the next patron
They like to twist the truth
they have no hesitation
Handful of new Senators
Don't intend to save this Nation
And mass marches alone
will show them we're frustrated
Don't let human respect
go disintegrating
This whole entire country
is gettin' crazy
and you still waaaatch American Idol and two and a half men, my friend
Cause you refuse to see
We're on the path to destruction.
Think of all the hatred
we have for the "other"
while our little children
can't get healthcare for their mother
Well you may ignore all this
while stuffing your face
To have all your luxuries
spits on half the human race
the clearing of the forests
and the mountains of waste
claims that horizontal drilling
doesn't leave a trace
go ahead and fight your neighbor
while the elites take the place
and you still waaaatch American Idol and two and a half men, my friend
Cause you refuse to see,
We're on the path to destruction.
Jamie Walker is a Sault Tribe member.
By Jamie Walker:
My apologies to;
P.F. Sloan and Berry McGuire: Eve of destruction/1965
The middle Eastern world, it is exploding
While we're over there
America's imploding
You're old enough to know better
but you're not voting
You wont enlist in war
what's that video game you're totin'?
as the political parties
keep the deficit growin'
and you still waaaatch American Idol and two and a half men, my friend
Cause you refuse to see
We're on the path to destruction.
You don't understand the game they're
going to play
You'd better start hoping there's a
next payday
When the market goes bust
the rich will get their way
There'll be nothing in your savings
the economy looks grave
Open your eyes up boy
it better scare ya boy
and you still waaaatch American Idol and two and a half men, my friend
Cause you refuse to see
We're on the path to destruction.
The guy you voted for
is in the backroom tradin'
or sittin in the men's room
tappin' the next patron
They like to twist the truth
they have no hesitation
Handful of new Senators
Don't intend to save this Nation
And mass marches alone
will show them we're frustrated
Don't let human respect
go disintegrating
This whole entire country
is gettin' crazy
and you still waaaatch American Idol and two and a half men, my friend
Cause you refuse to see
We're on the path to destruction.
Think of all the hatred
we have for the "other"
while our little children
can't get healthcare for their mother
Well you may ignore all this
while stuffing your face
To have all your luxuries
spits on half the human race
the clearing of the forests
and the mountains of waste
claims that horizontal drilling
doesn't leave a trace
go ahead and fight your neighbor
while the elites take the place
and you still waaaatch American Idol and two and a half men, my friend
Cause you refuse to see,
We're on the path to destruction.
Jamie Walker is a Sault Tribe member.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Isn't that the new title that should be given to the majority of the Sault Tribe Board of Directors...'Undercover Agents'? With the exception of five or so, aren't the remaining directors really working 'undercover'? Undercover from the scrutiny of the members, that is. Mystery novel terminology, like 'beneath a cloak of secrecy' or 'swathed in deceit,' certainly describes those board members we have come to distrust. It's not because we are a bunch of suspicious, feeble-minded, minions as some in control would like to think, but it is what we have not only learned to do, but what we need to do, as a result of the actions of the same old deceivers.
I almost puked when I read the title of Bernard Bouschor's unit report. What a bunch of 'pat-me-on-the-back', 'don't-hate-me-for-taking-your-money', 'love-me-cause-I-said-so' B.S. Anyone under the watch of an entire tribe could have done the same as he claims to have done. Anyone with a good dose of honesty, integrity, deep concern for every fellow man, woman and child, and a friggin' conscience could have done twice as much, if not more, than Bouschor did for our tribe.
Lets compare..take a look at what Bay Mills Indian Community, located in Brimley, MI, just 20 miles or so from the Sault, has done with much less. Two casinos, a world class golf course, an RV park & campgrounds, a wonderful community college, an elementary school, a very nice community and housing development, a health center, a police department and soon a mini-mall. Members can lease a plot of land from their tribe, at a cost of $1 for 99 years, on which to build a home. I know I have missed a few great things but they have done more for their people with a lot less than the Sault Tribe has done with much more.
What else did we get from Bouschor besides his grandiose claims:...a huge, doomed-from-the-start, failed money pit called Greektown, thirty-plus (30+) failed businesses, lots of questionable backroom deals, insider information (rumors or truth?) of millions gone to the Cayman Islands, Netherlands and Australia, the infamous 'Barge' and a whole lot of legal problems and associated costs. Many employees feared for their jobs under his rule, and rightfully so. Members were threatened for speaking out and employees were approached while on the job by his henchman and told they better be voting for old Bernie.
Look what happened when he took over the tribe again. People were fired and their right to file a grievance or appeal was also taken away. They lost their years of earned vacation, sick and personal time but Bernie votes to pay off his old buddy, Fred the former police chief (who is sitting in federal prison for embezzlement) for his sick time. Pat yourself on the back Bernie and did us proud or so you would like the rest of the world to believe!
On top of everything else, we have to listen to a few directors who whine and complain because we have the internet and we use it. How are they supposed to keep their secrets if we keep posting them on the internet? Information about our tribe isn't going to be printed in the Sault Tribe newspaper nor will we hear about it at a tribal meeting. This is what we are left to do and this is what it will be.
We also have the right to referendum and have only just begun to use it. So what if it costs 30-40 grand. The blame lies solely with Chairman McCoy, who holds the secrets, that create the problems, that result in petitions and referendums. It has even been suggested that this site and others are being used to incite a revolution. A revolution is, according to the dictionary, "A fundamental change in power or organizational structure that takes place in a relatively short period of time. Complete change from one constitution to another. Modification of an existing constitution." Okay than....a revolution it is.
No longer do we have to talk only among ourselves, and fortunately, we have a couple of directors who are not afraid to speak out. It may not be a short period of time to do what must be done but the truth is....change is coming.
Lynne Weaver
Sault Tribe Government / A Bad Influence On its' Own People
Charles Forgrave
Sault Ste. Marie, Mi...Well, members can be thankful for the Payment Referendum defeating the Gatzaros/Campbell proposal for a casino in Romulus. The proposal would have given them 26% of the gross proceeds for the life of the casino and your money would have built it.
The new proposal voted by the board is a much better deal: plans are for developer Sawruck to get 14% of the gross proceeds for six plus years and he will pick up all the financing associated with licensing, developing and building it.
What is disappointing again is the way the board handled the deal. Instead of bringing it forward for a public debate before voting, the board voted on it and then, late into the referendum period, released information on it and set up informational meetings.
The board has a terrible track record when it comes to investing your money...and why they think they can do a better job of it without your help is puzzling. They seem to be under the delusion that you elected them to make those decisions without any consultation with you.
The problem is that it's not their money they're investing, it's yours. They don't have any skin in the game and, success or failure, they still get paid the same. They make money transacting the deal itself: on kickbacks for influence peddling and on consulting fees and employment opportunities for themselves and their family and friends. With their 'me first' attitudes they can be wrong and still make money for themselves. It's you that gets hurt if your investment fails, not them.
Well anyway, thanks to the Payment Referendum you won't have the Gatzaros\Campbell deal hanging over your heads. It will be quite a surprise if Mr. Sawruck is able to get his deal approved by the state and federal governments. However, it will be a good deal for the tribe, if he is successful.
Sadly enough, there are still unanswered question concerning this latest deal. Members suspect that Gatzaros and Campbell are somehow involved in it through Michigan Gaming LLC. Others have questions about the name of the company incorporated by Sawruck.
This lack of communication is a pathetic state of affairs. Members have to wonder, who are these people that represent them? Why do they keep everything secret the way they do? They act like dictators in Northern Africa the way they control information.
What it amounts to is that tribal leaders are ignorant. They don't understand government or how democracies work. They haven't studied it. Hundreds of years ago, countries did away with kings and dictators and Indian Chiefs. They revolted against them and set up constitutional democracies. No longer were they subject to the whims and foolishness of despots, they could now put their faith in constitutions and institutions and public offices. Government was not longer about individual people, it was about systems and laws and rules.
Unfortunately, the Sault Tribe is stuck in the past. Your leaders seem to think they're your moms and dads. They treat you like you're kids who can't be trusted with money decisions...who don't need to know what they're doing with your money. You don't need benevolent leadership. You don't need any of their paternalistic caring. They work for you. Many of them aren't qualify for the board positions and you need to get rid of they have so often gotten rid of many of you.
Get rid of your corrupt leaders and set up a government that is an example for your children. This board behaves like a bunch of gangsters. There's so much misrepresentation of the facts and lying and distorting and dissembling of the truth that decent people want nothing to do with it. You want your children to connect to their government and be proud of it. You want a government who's inner workings are not shameful and sleazy and a bad influence on your children.
Six years ago you spent $400,000.00 to write a new constitution. The board voted and said after the constitutional committee was finished with it, they would review it and send it out for your vote. Well, they didn't do it. You put up with too much from them. It's time for you to get madder than hell and get rid of most of them. Have them either send the new constitution for your vote or vote them out of office. Under the circumstances you may have to settle for democracy once every four years.But remember, you don't need them. The best thing you can do it to get rid of them. Lots of talented people with college degrees are willing and able to do a better job of handling your business for you.
Thank you, Charles Forgrave
I almost puked when I read the title of Bernard Bouschor's unit report. What a bunch of 'pat-me-on-the-back', 'don't-hate-me-for-taking-your-money', 'love-me-cause-I-said-so' B.S. Anyone under the watch of an entire tribe could have done the same as he claims to have done. Anyone with a good dose of honesty, integrity, deep concern for every fellow man, woman and child, and a friggin' conscience could have done twice as much, if not more, than Bouschor did for our tribe.
Lets compare..take a look at what Bay Mills Indian Community, located in Brimley, MI, just 20 miles or so from the Sault, has done with much less. Two casinos, a world class golf course, an RV park & campgrounds, a wonderful community college, an elementary school, a very nice community and housing development, a health center, a police department and soon a mini-mall. Members can lease a plot of land from their tribe, at a cost of $1 for 99 years, on which to build a home. I know I have missed a few great things but they have done more for their people with a lot less than the Sault Tribe has done with much more.
What else did we get from Bouschor besides his grandiose claims:...a huge, doomed-from-the-start, failed money pit called Greektown, thirty-plus (30+) failed businesses, lots of questionable backroom deals, insider information (rumors or truth?) of millions gone to the Cayman Islands, Netherlands and Australia, the infamous 'Barge' and a whole lot of legal problems and associated costs. Many employees feared for their jobs under his rule, and rightfully so. Members were threatened for speaking out and employees were approached while on the job by his henchman and told they better be voting for old Bernie.
Look what happened when he took over the tribe again. People were fired and their right to file a grievance or appeal was also taken away. They lost their years of earned vacation, sick and personal time but Bernie votes to pay off his old buddy, Fred the former police chief (who is sitting in federal prison for embezzlement) for his sick time. Pat yourself on the back Bernie and did us proud or so you would like the rest of the world to believe!
On top of everything else, we have to listen to a few directors who whine and complain because we have the internet and we use it. How are they supposed to keep their secrets if we keep posting them on the internet? Information about our tribe isn't going to be printed in the Sault Tribe newspaper nor will we hear about it at a tribal meeting. This is what we are left to do and this is what it will be.
We also have the right to referendum and have only just begun to use it. So what if it costs 30-40 grand. The blame lies solely with Chairman McCoy, who holds the secrets, that create the problems, that result in petitions and referendums. It has even been suggested that this site and others are being used to incite a revolution. A revolution is, according to the dictionary, "A fundamental change in power or organizational structure that takes place in a relatively short period of time. Complete change from one constitution to another. Modification of an existing constitution." Okay than....a revolution it is.
No longer do we have to talk only among ourselves, and fortunately, we have a couple of directors who are not afraid to speak out. It may not be a short period of time to do what must be done but the truth is....change is coming.
Lynne Weaver
Sault Tribe Government / A Bad Influence On its' Own People
Charles Forgrave
Sault Ste. Marie, Mi...Well, members can be thankful for the Payment Referendum defeating the Gatzaros/Campbell proposal for a casino in Romulus. The proposal would have given them 26% of the gross proceeds for the life of the casino and your money would have built it.
The new proposal voted by the board is a much better deal: plans are for developer Sawruck to get 14% of the gross proceeds for six plus years and he will pick up all the financing associated with licensing, developing and building it.
What is disappointing again is the way the board handled the deal. Instead of bringing it forward for a public debate before voting, the board voted on it and then, late into the referendum period, released information on it and set up informational meetings.
The board has a terrible track record when it comes to investing your money...and why they think they can do a better job of it without your help is puzzling. They seem to be under the delusion that you elected them to make those decisions without any consultation with you.
The problem is that it's not their money they're investing, it's yours. They don't have any skin in the game and, success or failure, they still get paid the same. They make money transacting the deal itself: on kickbacks for influence peddling and on consulting fees and employment opportunities for themselves and their family and friends. With their 'me first' attitudes they can be wrong and still make money for themselves. It's you that gets hurt if your investment fails, not them.
Well anyway, thanks to the Payment Referendum you won't have the Gatzaros\Campbell deal hanging over your heads. It will be quite a surprise if Mr. Sawruck is able to get his deal approved by the state and federal governments. However, it will be a good deal for the tribe, if he is successful.
Sadly enough, there are still unanswered question concerning this latest deal. Members suspect that Gatzaros and Campbell are somehow involved in it through Michigan Gaming LLC. Others have questions about the name of the company incorporated by Sawruck.
This lack of communication is a pathetic state of affairs. Members have to wonder, who are these people that represent them? Why do they keep everything secret the way they do? They act like dictators in Northern Africa the way they control information.
What it amounts to is that tribal leaders are ignorant. They don't understand government or how democracies work. They haven't studied it. Hundreds of years ago, countries did away with kings and dictators and Indian Chiefs. They revolted against them and set up constitutional democracies. No longer were they subject to the whims and foolishness of despots, they could now put their faith in constitutions and institutions and public offices. Government was not longer about individual people, it was about systems and laws and rules.
Unfortunately, the Sault Tribe is stuck in the past. Your leaders seem to think they're your moms and dads. They treat you like you're kids who can't be trusted with money decisions...who don't need to know what they're doing with your money. You don't need benevolent leadership. You don't need any of their paternalistic caring. They work for you. Many of them aren't qualify for the board positions and you need to get rid of they have so often gotten rid of many of you.
Get rid of your corrupt leaders and set up a government that is an example for your children. This board behaves like a bunch of gangsters. There's so much misrepresentation of the facts and lying and distorting and dissembling of the truth that decent people want nothing to do with it. You want your children to connect to their government and be proud of it. You want a government who's inner workings are not shameful and sleazy and a bad influence on your children.
Six years ago you spent $400,000.00 to write a new constitution. The board voted and said after the constitutional committee was finished with it, they would review it and send it out for your vote. Well, they didn't do it. You put up with too much from them. It's time for you to get madder than hell and get rid of most of them. Have them either send the new constitution for your vote or vote them out of office. Under the circumstances you may have to settle for democracy once every four years.But remember, you don't need them. The best thing you can do it to get rid of them. Lots of talented people with college degrees are willing and able to do a better job of handling your business for you.
Thank you, Charles Forgrave
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Been Thunking / Tribal News
Charles Forgrave
Sault Ste. Marie, Mi...There's an old saying, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Case in point, the referendum process: were it not for the Payment Referendum on the last casino deal we wouldn't be reviewing this Romulus Casino deal with Mr. Sawruck. We would be living with the old one with Mr. Gatzaros and Mr. Campbell.
From the sounds of things, this latest deal is much better than the previous one. Instead of two investors getting 13% a piece (26% together) for a lifetime, one investor is getting 14% for seven years. Instead of the tribe putting up all the money, the investor is putting up all the money...from the sounds of it, this latest deal is worth tens of millions of additional dollars.
Thanks to what? Thanks to the Payment Referendum that defeated the Gatzaros/Campbell proposal. Who is responsible for that referendum, our great and highly esteemed, handsome and debonair, smart and educated former tribal chairman, Mr. Aaron Payment...ta ta, ta ta, ta ta!
Well, it is the simple truth...thunk about it.
So what gives? Why are Chairman McCoy, directors Pine and Causley determined now to see that the referendum process is one more difficult for the membership to use. On the surface they're worried about the cost...($20,000.00...$30,000.00 or $40,000.00 which ever it is?) But is that the real reason...or are they out to stop an old political opponent. After all, former chairman Payment has indicated that he may be a candidate in 2012. the Payment Referendum will bring tens of millions of additional dollars into the tribal coffer over the life of the casino, if the Sawruck deal succeeds.
So what's gives? Because of the Payment Referendum, tens of millions of additional dollars will come into the tribal coffers over the life of this proposed casino, if the Sawruck deal succeeds, and these board members are harping about the cost of a referendum...from the looks of it the Payment Referendum was worth millions of referendums.
So much for broken government, i.e., a government that isn't working for the members, because it's always caught up in internal struggles.
Director Pine isn't completely self absorbed though. She does have some reform in mind for the tribe...perhaps enough to redeem her. She's come out in support of an independent judiciary. You have to wonder...what all is that about?
Director Boushor is still busy propping up, rebuilding, restoring, whatever, his public persona. Will he ever give up? Talk about using the tribal newspaper for your own personal purposes as well as political ones.
Oh yes, director Pine and director Boushor are still working closely together rewriting tribal history...everything that the tribe is today is because of them and theirs.
Sure? Okay, maybe they're right? think about it: we're in debt over our ears and our once promising future was squandered and maybe they are right?
More later...
Thank you, Charles Forgrave
Charles Forgrave
Sault Ste. Marie, Mi...There's an old saying, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Case in point, the referendum process: were it not for the Payment Referendum on the last casino deal we wouldn't be reviewing this Romulus Casino deal with Mr. Sawruck. We would be living with the old one with Mr. Gatzaros and Mr. Campbell.
From the sounds of things, this latest deal is much better than the previous one. Instead of two investors getting 13% a piece (26% together) for a lifetime, one investor is getting 14% for seven years. Instead of the tribe putting up all the money, the investor is putting up all the money...from the sounds of it, this latest deal is worth tens of millions of additional dollars.
Thanks to what? Thanks to the Payment Referendum that defeated the Gatzaros/Campbell proposal. Who is responsible for that referendum, our great and highly esteemed, handsome and debonair, smart and educated former tribal chairman, Mr. Aaron Payment...ta ta, ta ta, ta ta!
Well, it is the simple truth...thunk about it.
So what gives? Why are Chairman McCoy, directors Pine and Causley determined now to see that the referendum process is one more difficult for the membership to use. On the surface they're worried about the cost...($20,000.00...$30,000.00 or $40,000.00 which ever it is?) But is that the real reason...or are they out to stop an old political opponent. After all, former chairman Payment has indicated that he may be a candidate in 2012. the Payment Referendum will bring tens of millions of additional dollars into the tribal coffer over the life of the casino, if the Sawruck deal succeeds.
So what's gives? Because of the Payment Referendum, tens of millions of additional dollars will come into the tribal coffers over the life of this proposed casino, if the Sawruck deal succeeds, and these board members are harping about the cost of a referendum...from the looks of it the Payment Referendum was worth millions of referendums.
So much for broken government, i.e., a government that isn't working for the members, because it's always caught up in internal struggles.
Director Pine isn't completely self absorbed though. She does have some reform in mind for the tribe...perhaps enough to redeem her. She's come out in support of an independent judiciary. You have to wonder...what all is that about?
Director Boushor is still busy propping up, rebuilding, restoring, whatever, his public persona. Will he ever give up? Talk about using the tribal newspaper for your own personal purposes as well as political ones.
Oh yes, director Pine and director Boushor are still working closely together rewriting tribal history...everything that the tribe is today is because of them and theirs.
Sure? Okay, maybe they're right? think about it: we're in debt over our ears and our once promising future was squandered and maybe they are right?
More later...
Thank you, Charles Forgrave
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Beginning of the New Mackinac Bands Nation

Without attorneys," proclaims Nathan Wright, Chairman of Consoliated Bahweting Ojibwa and Mackinac Tribe." Attorneys are important to helping us. It sure is nice to just get a group of people together without them. We all agree to work together. This is the Mackinac Bands way"
The three groups met in St. Ignace on March 2, 2011 to discuss unification . The next day all groups met with their Council and all decided unanimously to unite together.
"This will bring an end to the era of Mackinac Bands turmoil. We are all together now. This is the base for all groups to be a part of. We have shown we can unite on all of our terms not just one group," says John Dutcher Chairman of Michilmackinac.
Vada Wait, Chairperson of the Mackinac Bands of Chippewa and Ottawa Indians says, "this is a historical event for all of our people". "It has been a long time in the works to unify all of our groups as we go forward in gaining our Federal Recognition".
The Council has many hurdles ahead of them. Much of which is already in play. Uniting the groups together only increases the speed for all groups to gain Federal Recognition.
We invite all of our brothers and sisters to join us. Let us all work together as we go forward in obtaining our goals.
Will the Indian Trust Settlement affect you? Please refer to the attached video to learn more about this historic settlement regarding the mismanagement of Indian lands.
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