Monday, February 18, 2008

Tornado Winds over Petosky

Comments in an email made by myself regarding recent unprofessional behavior by Shirley Petosky at a tribal meeting in Kincheloe was met with a challenge from Petosky to prove my statement. I love it when challenges are so dirt easy that it is almost a shame to take the person seriously.

Four individuals, over the course of a week, told me of Petosky's threat to "show her ass to members" for their criticism of the lack of ethics displayed by several members of the board over recent months. Add to that Petosky's statement in the Evening News that the At-large members are responsible for taking away her rights....huh?...prompted me to comment, via email, of Petosky's lewd acts at a public board meeting which embarrassed the entire tribe.

Petosky let me know she was not very happy with my comments either. Shirley believes it was completely appropriate to stand and turn her hind end to the person speaking at the podium and say "I'll show my ass"....the rest being unintelligible because it was no longer her mouth that was occupying the microphone. She referred to my comments as being 3rd and 4th hand so a kindly person sent me an actual clip in which Petosky, after a screaming fit, threatens to 'show her ass' and proceeds to turn her back towards the audience. Thankfully the camera turned back towards the tribal member that was speaking before 'the view' of Shirley Petosky's rear end could be a horrible memory for anyone that would view the meeting on public television.

Petosky wanted proof of my statement or a retraction to all those who received my email message. I offered to attach the video clip and send to all those who would have received my email and let them decide but I haven't heard from her since. It's bad enough that the members in attendance as well as anyone who may have watched and listened to her lewd backroad behavior on TV were subjected to Petosky's unprofessionalism.

What is really sad about this is that the members elected her to represent them and they got a whiner and a crybaby who thinks it is all about her. When I replied to her ranting with my own complaints of how the board has been operating, not once did she respond to my concerns but only to my criticism of her unprofessional and embarrassing behavior.

Hmmm...brings back memories of numerous threats from DJ Hoffman to use tribal funds to hire an investigator to go after and persecute (yes, I meant persecute) members who use alias's to speak their minds. Oh yes, let's not forget those threats of his to go to employers, file complaints with unrelated licensing agencies and to sue members for criticizing his behavior. Shirley.... there are people out there with manners that would make better mentors.

To those in her unit that voted for could have had Karl Weber, an attorney with an impeccable reputation and look what you chose instead. I hope what she is doing for her constituents outweighs the embarrassment she is causing this tribe.

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