Monday, April 28, 2008

Sign Language......This Way to Hell

"A picture says a thousand words" and this one is talking to us in a very loud voice.

Notice the rather evil looking sign with the black background and blurred red lettering placed near the center. Pretty descriptive of the person whose name is on it.....Bouschor!!! When I first saw his sign I thought to myself 'perfect fit....this way to hell'.

Take a look at whose names surround his and notice that Abramson is right behind it, all yellow and happy to take a backseat and do whatever Bernard tells her to do.....remember those famous words...."Whatever Bernard wants is all right with me".

Joe Eitrem wants to be his right hand man (mirror image remember) and Mckelvie put a tiny bit of distance between himself and Bouschor, but not much.....he is playing it safe.

The little white sign....okay so I need glasses because I am not sure whose name is on it but notice that it is slightly in front and to the left (again, mirror image).

For those in the Sault area wondering which way to vote, take a clue from the sign placement....just read the signs of what will come.

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.