Sunday, June 1, 2008

Election 2008 No Room for Incompetence

By RJanetos

Your Ballot....Your Vote...Your Right...Stolen

StolenHundreds, if not thousands, of tribal citizens are asking why they didn't receive their ballot, for the primary election.
Entire families who have a proud tradition of exercising their right to vote, will be locked out of this election.W
as there an address snafu?
Did the software breakdown?
Did members move and not report their address change?
The answer to most of these questions is, NO!
Many members have been in the same address for over twenty years.
They report that they have always received their ballots before.
Some members, that inquired as to their status, with the election committee, found out that they weren't even registered, anymore.
The Election Committee Chairman, Mike McKerchie, reported that he hadn't received any complaints about missing ballots, during a recent board meeting.
He went on to say that he wasn't going to send out a second ballot just because people said they didn't get one.
When asked if these people would be able to receive a ballot in time for the general election, McKerchie said, "NO!"
Where are the ballots?
How could this happen?
What will McKerchie do to restore your right to vote?
He suggests that you write his office and register a complaint.
It won't change anything for you during this election, but maybe you will get to exercise your right to vote during the next election.
That is a very unsettling response coming from someone that has been in charge of the election process and ballots, for so many years. McKerchie stated, " that the only reason members were so vocal about it was because it was a chairman race.
"What did he mean by that?

Reconciling the ballot
It is very easy to reconcile the ballots issued, mailed, received and returned.
It would be an easy matter to reissue a ballot to those that they didn't receive one.It would be an easy matter to determine if a second ballot was cast on behalf of a single individual.
Why not send out a second ballot, in those cases?
However, it is reported that when asked about these numbers, Mike McKerchie doesn't respond.
Who does he work for?
How could he refuse scrutiny?
How could he refuse accountability?

Analysis of Primary Votes
A relative unknown, Darwin McCoy, who changes his mind, at the last minute, and decides to run for chairman instead of director somehow receives a disproportionate amount of votes.
Cathy McCoy Abramson and Benard Booschor receive what has been described as unusual amount of votes when you take into consideration their near bottom rating level. .

Outrage Missing
You don't hear any complaints coming from the directors, Cathy McCoy Abramson, Fred Paquin (suspended police chief), Dennis McKelvie, Joe Eitrem, Lana Causley.
We aren't hearing any outrage from Darwin McCoy or Benard Booschor.
Aren't they interested in making sure that everyone's right to vote is protected?
Wouldn't they care that entire families are being locked out of this important election?
Don't they think that some of the missing ballots might be cast for them?
Or, do they already have a preconceived idea as to which candidates will be hurt most, by this outrageous failure of the election committee?
Could it have been by design?

Every person that didn't receive a ballot should write the Election Committee and the BIA
Contest the election results and reconcile all ballots
Remove Mike McKerchie as the Election Committee Chair for incompetence.
Restore and secure the voter registration data base.
Investigate the Election Committee for any wrong doing
Restore the dignity of the Sault Tribe
Remove those directors that have aided in the downfall of the tribe
Support Chairman Payment
Vote for Todd Gravell, Nathan Wright, Luella Brown, Patrick Rickley and Robert Horn

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.