Saturday, September 6, 2008


After all the terminations and job cuts, I am sure the
Sault Tribe Board of Directors has taken a pay cut by
now but I must have missed the announcement.

I recently moved and have not changed my address
yet with the tribe so do not receive the tribal paper
but I expect any day to hear that the board felt so bad
for allowing the tribe to go down the tubes and causing
so many to lose their jobs that they are ready to
announce their own pay cut.

Surely that would be one of the first cuts but for
some reason they have not announced it. They certainly
wouldn't cut the Elder food program without first giving
up some of their own undeserved salary.

We all expected people to lose their jobs for political
reasons and that did happen but many were lost because
the Board of Directors failed to pay attention and failed
to look out for the best interests of the tribe. While
they were fighting one another, someone made off with the
loot leaving the tribe broke.

I heard there was a petition that would be circulating
demanding that the board take a salary cut but I haven't
seen that either. Did everyone give up on the tribe?
It doesn't look like there is anything left to fight for

Where's Donald Trump when you need him? Maybe he can go
before the board and tell them "You're Fired!!!"

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.