Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lies and Unaccountability

One of the hot topics at a recent event I attended was none
other than the Sault Tribe's financial state. With only a
couple of us being tribal members, we were presented with
an array of questions as well as some interesting comments.

A name that was referred to often as being the source of
such comments was none other than Sault Tribe Director,
Dennis McKelvie. It seems that McKelvie has been pointing
the finger of blame for the financial mismanagement and
resulting fall of the Sault Tribe empire right at the former
chairman, Aaron Payment. According to a few non-indian
Sugar Island residents as well as local business people,
McKelvie said that Payment spent all the money in reserve.

What McKelvie failed to say was that Payment did not have
signature authority to "spend" multi-millions of the tribal
members money nor did he have a vote except in the case
of a tie. The group was also unaware that the Sault Tribe
directors were booted from the Greektown management board
by the bankruptcy courts because they were not qualified
to manage it. Tsk, tsk Denny...your integrity is being
questioned by those that you told your tall tales to.

Tribal members that were there, made sure this group was
informed of the truth and that if they had any doubts, they
need not take our word but could request the minutes of the
meetings to see who voted for what. One person asked why
Bouschor was able to approve so many expenditures when he
was chairman but as we explained, that signature authority
changed when Payment was elected.

Although it was an opportunity to fill this group in that
McKelvie was one of those protecting another that we may
soon be reading about, we decided to leave things as they
were until the FBI, BIA and the Grand Jury are ready to
take action. Too many rumors and misinformation have created
an overload in this community. If those three entities
cannot uncover the truth then talking about it pointless.

The wheels of justice turn slowly...very slowly it seems,
but we can pray that the finger pointing of the guilty will
stick them right in their own eyes at the same time they are
trying desperately to pull both feet out of all their lying

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.