Friday, October 9, 2009


We have waited and waited and now it seems that we waited for nothing. First Bernard Bouschor participated in a devious act to relieve 2.7 million dollars from the Sault Tribe members to pay off his key employees. Then on the night he lost the 2004 election, with a lot of help from some of his friends and a few of his family members, they relieved the tribal offices of computers, hard drives and rare native American art.

Five years later, it appears that Bouschor's traitor-like behavior will go unpunished. Attempts to right the wrongs perpetrated by Bouschor upon the tribal members only resulted in even more losses. It seems the courts are going to rule in his favor. The Indians lose again. Why should we be surprised that the innocent Sault Tribe members would lose in a court system not their own?

Sovereignty is not what it is cut out to be. Like the treaties signed by our ancestors, sovereignty is a half-ass promise filled with 'but onlies and exceptions to every rule' and those rules are not in our favor. We should have been able to sue Bouschor in accordance with our laws and in our courts. We should have been able to handle Bouschor's case in the same manner that he handled Mike Lumsdens....that is, if we were truly sovereign.

Because of Bouschor, hundreds of tribal members have suffered job losses and had many services cut but those on the board who supported him then and remain on the board to support him now, have given up nothing.

Those same directors also supported Fred Paquin, Sault Tribes disgraced former police chief. Where has the investigation of the Sault Tribes biggest embarrassment led? Don't expect the Sault Tribe chairman, or the Board of Directors to fill us in because....IT'S A BIG SECRET. Instead of our elected representatives (well-sort of)keeping us informed, they have chosen to hide the truth and hire a public relations firm to deal with the nasty publicity instead. Well, at least the news we will get should be good news, even if it's not.

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.