Thursday, August 19, 2010


Why did McCoy pull the plug on Greektown when there is valuable proof that it could have been saved...legally, lucratively and with all cards in full view of everyone with an interest?

What part did Bernard Bouschor play in that decision?

Why did the Michigan Gaming Commission bypass the gaming license regulations to approve the new ownership?

What is the connection between allowing Greektown to be dumped and the purchase of property near a racetrack in Detroit?

What have McCoy and Bouschor gotten us into this time with the bigger question being...with whom?

Who stands to gain from all these questionable and secretive deals?

Will the Sault Tribe citizens see any benefits or did we just reinvest our future into another one of Bouschor's doomed-to-fail schemes?

What happened to the discussion between Bart Stupak and Sault Tribe regarding Greektown and the land it sits on? What is the reasoning behind the sudden silence?

We are a long way from having these questions answered but the answers are there and they will be found.


Anonymous said...

here we go again. the seller of the land bought by the tribe buys the land and several more acres for one dollar contingent on creating eleven hundred new jobs by2014. is it legal to unload the portion of land sold to the tribe before the job commitment has been met? the land seller tried to obtain 4o% of greektown and failed. now he is doing buiness with the tribe. some thing smells about this deal. back track the events which led to the tribe losing greek town and i think you will find a connection which lined the tribal leaders pockets once more

Anonymous said...

If it is true that Bouschor has designs on a new Casino, the members need to beware.
He will claim that this won't cost the tribe a penny.
That he has the investors lined up.
Of course he will be the Big Chief in charge.

I would feel a whole lot better if Aaron Payment was in charge.
I would feel better if the "investors" were someone other than the people the tribe gave the 226 million to.
It would be like they are investing tribe money that was wrongfully given to them.

The Board of Directors must take a different approach to any new Bouschor scheme.
Ignore it!
Plan this project with due diligence
Use investors and contractors that don't have any ties with Bouschor or the Greeks.
It might mean getting a little less of the pie.....just remember....Pigs go to slaughter.........

Anonymous said...

Strings Attached
Bouschor is about to sell the tribe down the road again.
His recent public meeting with Gatzaros, in the Soo, could be an indicator of his new quest for a Diamond Mine.
"Tonky Trump" can smell the money

Preliminary steps that had to be taken
Overturn referendum so Bouschor could get elected
Re-elect Bouschor...questionable victory...6 votes
Chairman separated as CEO
Land Purchase
Gatzaros meeting with Bouschor and McCoy

What would have to happen?
Land put in trust
Have a design plan
Hire a contractor
Get financing

Make Bouschor CEO......(otherwise the deal won't go) the "STRING"

Convince the Board of Directors that this will bring the tribe back into prominence
Convince BIA,Mich Gaming, etc... that the tribe can better manage, this time

Anonymous said...

According to the tribal constitution, members can referendum any expenditure of $10,000.
The board hid the purchase, they broke tribal law.

Anonymous said...

When will the Tribe learn that instead of being our salvation, casinos have become our destruction. Not only because of the millions lost that could have been used to benefit tribal members, but the terrible cost in human life ! Look around at the local casino and the numbers of our own members in there day after day hunched over machines spending their last dollar and not being able to feed, clothe and shelter their families. How many lives have been ruined by this insidious addition. And all the tribe wants is more and more blood money. Do they not care that they are hurting, rather than helping, their own people ? What does the tribe offer to people who's lives have been ruined by becomming addicted to this tribal enterprise. NOTHING ! Gambling addictions have been equated with crack ! And that is absolutely true, based on a myriad of research. It is time for the tribe to move on to a business that is lucrative and does not harm our members.

Anonymous said...

I poseted the last comment in this thread and ommitted an important point. The lack of concern about how the Casinos are destroying our members is not strictly with the current administration. Aaron did nothing either. I was told that Aaron never set foot on the gaming floor of the casinos as he did not 'believe' in gambling. Well maybe he should have. He always said he was for the people ! There is a whole new body of evidence and research showing that Casinos employ a variety of means to pull in and make addicts out of players. From the design of the casinos, the atmosphere inside,and how the machines operate. To take a lofty arrogant attitude that people who gamble are less than or it is their own fault is not good enough. The evience is in ! I urge all tribal members to boycott every tribal casino. Even the restaurants and gift shops. If tribal members refused to given the board anymore of their hard earned money then either changes would be made or the casinos would fold. They are taking money from the members and lining their own fat cat pockets with it.

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.