Monday, December 31, 2007

A Better Year is Coming

Although many will say 2007 was the best year ever (although I don't know anyone making that claim), some say this has been their worst year in memory. I am certain it is all who you are talking to and about what.

I must be privileged because I have had several of both and many run-of-the-mill nothing-major-goin'-on years. They say all that good and bad, up and down stuff builds character and from what I am told, I have plenty of that.

I think character comes partly from keeping an open mind. Having an open mind enables you to change your mind, be proven right or wrong, move forward, to the side or even backwards, look at the bright side while keeping one eye on the dark side, realize that life is too short to be unhappy and finding a way to change it.

I have had my feet firmly on the ground and the rug pulled out from me so many times that I am developing wings...makes the landing softer. But I am not complaining because I truly am an optimist and even when things appear bleak, I know that if you don't give up there is sunshine on the other side of the fence. All you have to do is leave the clouds and storms behind and keep pushing forward.

Although it's not always easy leaving it all behind and may not even be possible, just remember that not everything is your fault and perceptions some others may have of you mean nothing if your perception of them is equally as dim.

My New Year's resolution will probably be to continue being who I am. I will love almost everyone except those I don't like, play by the rules as long as they are fair and continue to spout off about things that aren't. I am also going to stop trying to counteract the sweet tooth with vitamin and health food overload and just eliminate the sweet tooth...or maybe I will wait for next year.

A better year is coming in many ways so enjoy and have a Happy New Year!
Lynne Weaver


Anonymous said...

I truly admire your outlook on life. You have been through many challenges and yet remain a positive and giving person. Your personality along with your insight and intelligence would make a great BOD. You are someone our tribe truly needs. Hope you consider running again in the future.

Lynne Weaver said...

Thanks Nancie for the wonderful compliments and your confidence in me...Happy 2008!
We are powerless to change some situations so there is no point in dwelling on the bad times.
I believe there is a time to let things go when they need to be gone and a time to fight for the things that should never be given up on. The tribe is one of those things worth fighting for.
My wish for the tribe is that the BOD will set aside the politics and start focusing on things that will benefit the members for a change. time like the present to make it happen.

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.