Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Frieheit....You Da Man....or something?!!!

Every species has its misfits, mutts or runts of the pack. Some are really quite cute while others are frightening or repulsive. Even the Sault tribe has our share of runts, mutts and misfits and there is one that tops the list.

We all know of someone that feels inadequate amongst their peers. Their reactions to everyday situations stretch from one extreme to another. Some are shy and withdrawn while others seem to have no limits and lack the self control and good manners to fit in with most of society. While most people have a sense of what is tasteful or what is unacceptable public behavior, there are some that cannot begin to fathom the difference between the two.

We probably all remember or heard of that rotten kid that terrorized anyone weaker, younger, smaller, sadder, quieter, and smarter than they were. As kids, we probably didn't give a lot of thought as to why a kid would behave that way. I always felt it was their upbringing...or lack of.

I was raised to respect others and to assist the weak and sickly and befriend the shy and introverted. I learned to stand up for what was right and speak against the wrongs done not only to me but to others. Those are essential human qualities and my character and integrity was built with the assistance of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, educators and a multitude of others that walked through my life.

Maybe not all are so lucky or maybe some suffer imbalances or mental illness that makes it impossible to control their behavior. That is the only explanation for the chronic crass, lewd, disgusting and bullyish behavior displayed by a member of the Sault Tribe against even our members suffering physical ailments.

A friend told me of an incident that just sickened me. My friend is Nancie Hatch who suffers from a physical ailment that requires her to use a cane for stability and to relieve pain. As she made her way through the casino this evening, Betty Freiheit approached her and began yelling at her and making fun of Nancie's use of a cane. She ranted and raved and called Nancie names and....I repeat, made fun of Nancies use of a cane.

This sorry excuse for a human Frieheit, also known as Betty the Rottweiler, very publicly pursued, while verbally attacking, a respected former school administrator who turned a poorly run Indian school with a bad reputation for it's failure to educate into an award winning academy with a huge waiting list.

Betty, the thing from the bottom of the swamp, feels the POWER when she attacks the sick and the innocent, as she is so well known for. She is the name caller, the one who goes to employers to complain about the most assinine things such as when she went to my broker to complain that I sold a house to someone she didn't like. Well duh, I am a realtor.

Betty refers to many Indians as albino Indians if they are lighter in color and will let you know just how she feels about you whether on or off the reservation. She has been known to yell insults at members across parking lots or inside retail stores, even those that have their children and grandchildren with them. Betty envisions herself to be the tough guy, the biggest bad ass redneck you will ever come across. There is no telling what the she-he will do next.

Gotta wonder what she sees when she looks in the mirror. Can't imagine what goes through that putrid mind of hers that makes her think calling the ill and physically handicapped names is acceptable to any decent human being.

Does she feel empowered when she attacks those that can't or won't fight back? Or, does she attack the sick and handicapped because they can't or won't fight back. Yup...I think that is what it is. Betty the Rottweiler is really the mutt..the runt of the pack. This is her defense for her own lack of self esteem and to cover up her own multitude of deficiencies she sees in herself.

We got your number Betty. You have the human form of rabies. You are just a bigmouth who spews filth at just about anyone that crosses your path because you want to be the one to do it before someone does it to you first.

Not to worry Betty, most people aren't like you....thank God for that. So go ahead Betty, be da man, the name caller, the hate spewer....we know why you do it. By the way Betty, how did you like a little taste of your own medicine.....I'm betting you don't.

Lynne "Wind Weaver"

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