Monday, April 21, 2008

Bad Buffalo.....Not if Cooked Properly

Brucellosis can be found in many wild game animals. If cooked to the proper temperature such as one would do with poulty or ground meat, it is considered safe.

Domestically raised animals that are slaughtered for purchase in your local grocery store are as much of a concern to me as Buffalo infected with Brucellosis.

It was less than a year ago that deaths occurred from 'bad spinach'.

The Chinese government seems to be loading the products they send to the U.S. with toxins and poisons.

At any moment any of us can consume the most regularly used products and become ill or even die. The water you drink could contain harmful bacteria that you may be unaware of until it is too late.

We live our lives making choices....some good and some bad. Be informed and make your decisions based on the information available. Then say your prayers, cross your fingers, listen to your gut feeling, don't let any black cats cross your path, stick your lucky marble in your underwear, tuck a rabbits foot behind your left ear (or whatever it is you do with one of those)or whatever else works for you....and hope you make it until tomorrow and then start all over again.

Food Standards Agency - Brucellosis advice
... as a source of human illness and proper cooking kills the bacteria. ... is even smaller as meat infected with brucellosis has never been reported as - 21k - Cached
Brucellosis in Feral/Wild Pigs(PDF)
cook meat from wild pigs thoroughly. Wild hog meat should always be cooked thoroughly. ... have dealt with determining the safety and efficiency of Brucellosis in Feral-Wild Pigs.pdf - 23k - View as html
Other signs of brucellosis include an apparent lowering of fertility with poor ... Q. Can people get brucellosis by eating meat? A. - 34k - Cached
USDA - APHIS - Animal Health - Swine
... for the eradication of swine brucellosis from all domestic swine in ... accordance with the SHPA and Federal regulations, food waste containing meat may - 24k - Cached in Feral-Wild Pigs.doc(MICROSOFT WORD)
cook meat from wild pigs thoroughly. Wild hog meat should always be cooked thoroughly. Brucellosis is not transmitted through properly cooked meat. in Feral-Wild Pigs.doc - 28k - View as html
Brucellosis -
In some people, brucellosis becomes chronic, with signs and symptoms persisting ... meat in the United States contains brucellosis bacteria, but proper cooking - 36k - Cached
eMedicine - Brucellosis : Article Excerpt by Robert Rust, Jr
Brucellosis is a zoonotic infectious illness to which humans became vulnerable ... slaughtering of animals for meat and assurance of adequate cooking of that meat. - 63k - Cached
"That is because cooking the meat and pasteurization of milk destroys the organism. ... second herd with a brucellosis reactor is discovered, and the federal status 12-23-05.pdf - 60k - View as html
Wildlife Information Center - Feral Swine Diseases
Swine brucellosis causes abortions in sows and infertility in boars. ... Clean up with hot water and soap after butchering. Cook meat thoroughly prior to eating. - 5k - Cached
Brucellosis - Yahoo! Health
Brucellosis — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, transmission and ... meat in the United States contains brucellosis bacteria, but proper cooking - 48k - Cached

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