Tuesday, June 3, 2008

When Joe McCoy Speaks...Cover Your Ears

A non tribal member sent this to me but since then it seems McCoy's speech has been the 'talk of the town'....or should I say 'whisper or laugh'.
Speaker he is not.

"Mr. McCoy was the key note speaker today at the Sault Area High graduation. I wonder why? He got up and there and said to everyone that he was running for Tribal chairman and also all about his achievements in life. It made me sick. Then he proceeded to tell all the kids graduating to stand and hug each other. The kids and adults looked very confused about this and just laughed. He then said to all the kids present and adults that if it weren't for all veterans, anyone in the room would not be there and they need to thank the veterans and honor them on their special day today too. You should have heard the parents and others laughing and making comments. All because he is running for Chairman now he needs to make public speeches in front of kids etc. And then when he was done he went around and shook hands with people and talking like it was a rally or something. This was a graduation for kids not a political rally.
What a whack job. "

Joe McCoy read his entire speech from a piece of paper at the high school graduation. Instead of the speech to graduating seniors being about their future, McCoy made it about his future as tribal chairman. He gave a campaign speech to
seniors and their attending family and friends.

Most listened in awe at McCoy's speech about himself that lacked what should have contained good grammar, at the very least. Most asked the questions..."why this guy...and who the heck is he?" McCoy bragged of his abilities to run a massive eyesore of a junkyard on the banks of the St. Mary's river and claimed that experience would be enough to run the tribe. Whose brilliant idea was it to have Joe McCoy as the keynote speaker?

The tribe is a large community extending beyond the boundaries of Michigan into the rest of the United States. There are casinos and Mid Jims as well as the governmental side of the tribe. Where is McCoy's experience? He can't clean up his mess on the river let alone the tribe's?

How is McCoy going to represent us if he is unable to speak to the issues? How will he represent the membership if he has never involved himself before? Why do we need McCoy as chairman if he intends to hire out a general manager to manage the tribe? He can't speak and doesn't plan to do anything more than attend meetings so what's the point? How will he represent us in Washington if he has no experience in tribal matters?

What he is good at is smear campaigns....does an excellent job at B.S and nastiness but what good is that to the rest of us other than to get him another paycheck. The guy has no platform...no plans...no nothing. He is just another member of the so-called core family that will take away your rights and benefits but keep you around for the head count and he has the support of Dennis McKelvie that wants Mackinac Band members out along with the At-large members.

Aaron Payment is clearly the only choice for Chairman.

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