Thursday, August 28, 2008

There Is Life Beyond the Sault Tribe

Anonymous had this to say about "Repowering America"......
"Sell that idea to the rich indians. Do you have any idea how
much your ideas cost ? People here are trying to put food in
their mouths and a roof over their heads.
You are out of touch with the people."

My response.....Which people?
Turning down lights, turning off the air conditioner, walking
instead of driving, winterizing your living space, asking for
paper instead of plastic or bringing along your own, carpolling,
comsuming less junk food (carrots and celery are healthier and
cheaper than chips) are all things that everyone can do to save
money, energy and fuel. It doesn't cost a penny to do any of the
above but will save you money and Mother Earth at the same time.

It is not just Sault Tribe members and employees that have had
some serious financial difficulties to overcome and I am the last
person that can be accused of being out of touch with those who
are struggling.

I didn't come from wealth, I came from a large family struggling
to make ends meet. I raised 2 kids by myself at times working
2 jobs because their deadbeat dad had more important things to do
with his drinking and partying.

Being a victim of abuse as well as facing the difficulties of
raising a family in a world where being a woman is a disadvantage
has made me an advocate for others who face similar challenges.

Because a few labor law-breaking, civil rights violating, goof offs
tried to ruin me for my involvement in tribal politics as well as
my choice of friends, I lost almost everything, including my ability
to be financially independent as I had been for years.

I know exactly what those who have lost their jobs are going through,
the devastation of not knowing what tomorrow will bring, the dis-
appointment of not being able to provide your kids with a few new
clothing items to start school with not to mention how you will be
able to keep a roof over their heads or heat the place.

For some, the hurt pride will make it difficult to have to give up
the luxury of going out for lunch or taking the kids out for ice cream
and even simply renting a movie. They will have to deal with contracts
on their cell phones that they can no longer afford or cutting the
internet service from hi-speed to dial-up.

I am not making light of such things because it is a reality that will
be tough to deal with because of heartless corporations who could care
less about you other than they want their money from cancellation fees.
Don'texpect them to understand because dollar signs are more important
than people.

Some of those who have lost their jobs are sitting on their sofa too
devastated to even begin the process of filing for unemployment because
they cannot function for five minutes without breaking down in tears.
They may know they need to see a professional for their depression but
can't keep it together long enough to make the appointment let alone
sit in a waiting room. Some may even be pondering suicide because the
future seems so bleak.

Then there are those that could care less if they ever have a job and
are quite content to live off the system in whatever way they can.
Some will complain about not getting a dime from the Sault Tribe while
puffing on their cigarettes, cracking a beer, watching pay t.v. and
being pissed because they have to decide whether or not to order out
for pizza or pay the electric bill.

So how can those that are accustomed to living responsibly, survive?
Accept the challenge and cook from scratch, use the leftovers, get
creative and make a trip to Goodwill a lesson in recyling by purchasing
used clothing and other necessities. Live one day at a time and setting
priorities will help get you through it.

Trade with family, friends and neighbors for goods, services and rides.
If you have lost your job and are finally able to snap out of the funk,
trade house cleaning services, yard work or babysitting with those who
have what you need. Arrange a weekend trade-off event. Get rid of one
of the cars even if you have to let it go back to the bank...get back
to basics. Volunteer to help others, especially the elderly because it
will come back to you.

Start over by going back to school on the tuition waiver and financial
aid...if I can, then you can. can do it. Most of all,
remember that it was not you that caused your job loss but a board and
several key employees who were assigned to look out for the tribes assets
in order for you to keep that job or receive that medical and dental care
but failed miserably.

And while you are facing these challenges, what is the Sault Tribe Board
of Directors doing to fix the mess they made when they let the tribe go
down the tubes in exchange for favors and political power? Are they
taking a salary cut to save someone else's job or to feed the elderly?

Why does a tribal member need a degree to perform simple data entry or
other jobs when the chairman or director position doesn't require any
sort of education or degree?

Why does the Constitution of the Sault Tribe protect only those elected
positions but not the tribal members?

I guess that explains why the Sault Tribe is where it is today. This
isn't a political statement but one about human interests based on fact
and the history is there to prove it.

Who am I out of touch with? Only those who live high on the hog on
someone else's money and I intend to stay out of touch with those types
because I am better then they are and so are you.

Lynne Weaver...In Your Face!

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.