Monday, January 26, 2009

"The Gift"

Mac Band will inventively begin establishing their membership by adopting a constitution that will protect the people from the greed and political scourge that has set on the Sault Tribe. Most likely, they will have learned how easy it was for a handful of greedy opportunists and misfits to take control of the resources when there isn't any rule of law preventing it.

The Sault Tribe gift is one that will forever be ingrained in the memories of every Mac Band descendent who had a taste of membership with the Sault Tribe. The gift has shown them that checks and balances, oversight and accountability must be in place for any trust to be enjoyed. It is only good business.

Thirty thousand members couldn't get their leadership to adopt a new constitution. They didn't have any recourse for the corrupt actions of those that held the trust of their people.

Even, when events like the 7+1 took millions of dollars from the tribe.

Even, when the chairman had secret deals and spent millions without knowledge or consent of the Board of Directors.

Even, when the will of the people (by referendum) was established, it didn't hold.

Even when the entire election process is in question with missing ballots and mysterious boxes of ballots appear on the counting floor.

Even, when one board member refuses to acknowledge any member that was of lineal descent to the Mac Band as citizens with full rights.

The "gift" was the way to avoid the misery and shame experienced by those that call themselves Soo Tribe citizens.

Submitted by RJanetos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cant we all get along?
Do we all need to blame and call names?

If we spent 50% of our time building our futures and a foundation for our next generations to come the factor would be we have accomplished something great,It is called leadership!

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.