Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Power is like a big helium balloon…full of hot air but one good poke and it’s gone.
Quote by me.

What does money smell like? For many of us there is no smell. Although very versatile, it is simply the stuff that helps move us through life, provided there is enough of it. In certain quantities, it can keep us warm, feed us, provide shelter, get us from point A to point B, and maybe even provide us with a little entertainment at times. Money, in larger quantities, has the power to enhance all of the above and even provide a few extras….like power.

Power has the potential to become a dangerous weapon if misused. Power can buy and influence friends but only in the mind of the “empowered”. Leaders like Hitler had the ability to convince followers that his way was the only way and, so, the followers covered their eyes and ears to the pain of humanity and followed their leader. Hitler made them believe that all those who had faith in his word would come close to the same level of importance as he had. Temporarily, Hitler had the power to convince the easily led to follow.

But soon, the leaders of humanity discovered the plight of the murdered and tortured causing the perpetrator to deny what had happened….there was no holocaust, no Jews were murdered, and no valuables stolen. But it didn’t matter what the evil one tried to pull over the eyes of humanity because the truth was right there for all to see, as it always was, and so, the power was taken away leaving nothing but consequences for the evil one to face.

We all know those who think they have the power over others, but the truth is, it takes money to buy power and truth to hang onto it. Money and greed…roots of all evil…inhibits good morals and ethics. Greed is an uncontrollable character flaw that causes people to gamble away their life savings, to rob their own Elders, to lie and destroy others, just to satisfy their insatiable need for more money. But in the end, truth becomes the victor when the smell of money is no longer detectable and the greedy are kicked to the curb. Power gone.
Copyright Lynne Weaver, Feb. 2009

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