Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sault Tribe ballot


So many are calling and writing to ask what to do with the latest stupid Sault Tribe ballot as well as offering suggestions, which I will be sharing by posting to this blog.

Listed below are a few suggestions to date:

1. Give them to your hamster to shred for it's nest.
2. Rubberband them around your shoes when trying to hop over those piles the dog left behind.
3. Recycle them by shredding for use in Easter baskets.
4. Rip them lengthwise to use as seat covers in public restrooms.
5. Use under the cat's dish to protect your floors.
6. Use as the test sheet when replacing your printer cartridge.
7. Stuff inside clothing to 'enhance' certain body parts.
8. Cut in little squares and staple together for the perfect size notepad for your pocket or purse.
9. Give them to the kids to color.
10. Use them as a conversation starter at your next party and offer a prize for the person who can figure out what they are for.

Any other suggestions? Keep it clean, please.

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.