Thursday, March 26, 2009

A respectful tribal member sent me this lovely quote from the
Tecumseh of the Shawnee...

Respect is to be given for all beings placed upon this earth by the Creator.
Respect is to be given to elders who are rich in wisdom.
Respect one’s privacy, thoughts and wishes.
Respect human siblings by only speaking of their good qualities.
Respect one’s personal space and belongings.
Respect another’s spiritual path and do not judge their choices.
Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view;
and demand that they respect yours.
Love your life, perfect your life, and beautify all things in your life.
Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people.
Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend or even a stranger, when in a lonely place.
Show respect to all people and bow to no one.

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