Monday, April 6, 2009



Tom Biron is calling for accountability.... Tony Grondin is calling for accountability.... Charles Forgraves is calling for accountability.... Ron Filippi is calling for accountability ..... and the list goes on.... BUT.......where were they during the last election?

These same people couldn't agree on who they would back, in the election that promised accountability. Instead...they allowed McCoy to be elected. They turned away from a chairman that pushed for employee rights, a new constitution and making government criminals accountable.

Abramson, McKelvie, Hoffman, Causley and Eitrem are still in office, and now, Bouschor is back.

Everyone, in their wisdom, was divided and weak. Consequently, the same Unit 1 morons were re-elected. The one director that worked for a constitution wasn't protected....his devotion wasn't appreciated.

The Sault Tribe Times Trash was allowed to become the moral compass of the voters. Its influence was just enough to convince voters that a new constitution was not needed. That the director behind it had a faulty character. That the, then chairman, was a power grabber and this new constitution was his tool. Causley and Bouschor were able to stop the drafted constitution. Bill Bouschor and Mike Doud contributed greatly to the defeat by spreading rumors and false testimony about the character of some candidates that opposed Bouschor's grip on the tribe. So, now, you have the worst of the tribe still in office...only telling you what they want. You have the government you deserve.

Name Witheld until permission granted to post.

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.