Monday, June 1, 2009


REPOWER AMERICA kicked off its Michigan campaign at a community forum hosted by North Central Michigan College in Petoskey. Several key speakers made it abundantly clear how important clean energy legislation will be to Michigan’s economy. Not only is it time to aggressively tackle the cause of global warming but to also face the challenge of reversing the effects.

Skepticism often comes from mixing terms such as “weather” and “climate”. There may little that can be done about the weather but we do have the power to adjust our own behaviors that often have an adverse effect on climate changes and ecosystems. According to the National Wildlife Federation, thousands of scientists predict that human activities are altering the chemical composition of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases. The resulting rising temperatures and changes to precipitation will adversely impact fish and wildlife habitats. Climate changes have reduced soil moisture and increased the number of wildfires that destroy forests and speed up the release of greenhouse gases.

Education is the key to understanding global warming. Fossil fuels such as gasoline, methane, and propane contain mostly carbon, which when burned, react with oxygen to form carbon dioxide; the biggest contributor of global warming.

Renewable energy sources such as wind turbines, solar power and geothermal make sense, no matter what logic we attribute it to. The wind, sun and heat from the earth are there to produce most of the power we need. In time, those sources may solve all the world’s energy needs. If the scientific facts don’t convince you that the time is now to build green communities and move to renewable energy, consider what happens to the space created by the enormous amounts of oil and coal being removed from the earth.

The time is now to REPOWER AMERICA. Call Congressman Bart Stupak at (202) 225-4735 to tell him “Thanks” for supporting the Clean Energy Jobs Plan. Let him know that you will continue to support his efforts to bring thousands of jobs to Michigan through renewable energy sources. Join us at Repower and ask what you can do to help.

REPOWER AMERICA will be coming to Sault Ste. Marie in the future. Stay tuned for details.

Lynne Weaver

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.