Monday, September 21, 2009


The tradition of the fall feast was celebrated by the Mackinac Bands of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. On Sunday, September 20 at 12:00 noon the annual Fall Feast of the MB was held at the Benton Township Hall in Alverno, eight miles south of Cheboygan. It was a beautiful day for a feast and the atmosphere was one of warmth and friendship. As is customary for Native Americans, a circle was formed and an offering of a sample of the food being served was accompanied by a prayer, tossed into the fire and sent to the Creator to give thanks for all things.

Although most Indian tribes continue to honor their old traditions, there are new added features of organized Indian tribes, one of which is the adoption of a constitution. The Mackinac Bands announced the readiness of a Constitution soon to be voted on. Another announcement of an election that would take place within a year following the approval of the Constitution requires the formation of an election committee to develop election policies and procedures. Holding an election without rules would be putting the cart before the horse so volunteers are needed in order to push the start button on the entire process. Researching and implementing what works for other tribes would be the first step in a long and tedious process and member input is imperative in order that your voices be heard.

Meetings will be set at times to accommodate the schedules of members whenever possible.

For more information email me at

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.