Sunday, January 10, 2010

U.S. Court / Police Chief Paquin Co-conspirator

Sault Ste. Marie, Mi...The U.S. District Court has handed down an indictment for Hope Schlehuber, administrative assistant to former Sault Tribe Police Chief and board member Fred Paquin.

The Court has charged Ms. Schlehuber of conspiring with the former Chief of Police Paquin to defraud the U.S. Government of grant monies...disbursed to the tribe's Law Enforcement Department.

In a plea bargain with the court, Ms. Schlehuber agreed to cooperate fully with the F.B.I. and has thrown herself at the mercy of the court, waving jury and appeal rights in exchange for leniency.

Sault Ste. Marie, Mi...In handing down an indictment on fraud charges for Law Enforcement Department administrative assistant to the Tribal Police of Chief, Hope Schlehuber, the U.S. District Court had named the former Sault Tribe Police Chief, Fred Paquin, as a co-conspirator.

While no indictment papers are available at the time of this writing, tribal watchdogs' fully expect to see them and have them in hand sometime in the near future.

Sault Ste. Marie, Mi..
.Tribal voters will have an opportunity to set things right this spring where board members D.J. Hoffman and Dennis McKelvie are concerned.

Both directors allied themselves with former Police Chief Paquin a couple of years ago when it was alleged he assaulted a female tribal member.

In doing so they insisted upon his reinstatement after his dismissal by former Chairman Aaron Payment pending an investigation while they coldly turned their backs on the victim and her family.

Thank you, Charles Forgrave

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.