Friday, March 12, 2010

2010…Off To An Eventful Year In Sault Tribe History

Former Sault Tribe Police Chief, Fred Paquin, has resigned his position….nice of him. By resigning, it can be assumed that he has broken his contract which relieves the tribe from having to pay him to get out although getting out and going straight to prison won’t likely be an option for the ‘Fredator’.

Also, the board should soon be prepared to vote to uphold the decision of the members which was to NOT allow Bernard Bouschor to run for the directors seat. Recall that the tribe’s appellate court did not have the authority to erroneously insert their opinion and disregard the referendum in which nearly 80% of Sault Tribe voting members said NO to allowing Bouschor to run for a board seat.

It will be interesting whether any board members will take a chance by voting no to any decisions necessary to vacate Bouschor’s seat. Several directors are already in hot water with tribal members for supporting Paquin and Bouschor during their long record of illegal activities involving the tribe.

With the two biggest power abusers out of the way, will the trend continue to provide the tribe with the cleansing it so badly needs? 2010 may be the most memorable year yet for the tribe.

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.