Sunday, May 9, 2010


When making the all important decision of who to vote for , you must consider either past performance, credentials and reputation.

Among the six candidates running for Unit 1... half of them have already established at least one of the above elements to consider.

Hoffman was adamant about keeping Fred Paquin as Chief of Police, on the payroll, despite the charges of beating a tribal woman, threatening her father's employment, keeping quiet about the 2.66 million dollar giveaway and the federal charges of theft against him.
So Hoffman has a "past performance" for you to take into consideration.

McKelvie called into question the right of every Sault Tribe / Mackinac Band member to vote in tribal elections. This came during a very critical election time. Suspiciously, many members didn't receive a ballot for the primary or the general election. He has also been a staunch supporter of Benard Bouschor and voted to allow him to run for office despite the overwhelming results of a tribal referendum. He voted against the will of the people. He also played a roll in the tribe not having the newly proposed constitution.
So, McKelvie also has "past performance" for you to consider.

Pine denies any wrongdoing by her uncle Benard, to this day. She would attack anyone that said different.
She wants in. IN A BIG WAY !
So, although she doesn't have credentials, past performance she does have a reputation for backing her family instead of supporting what's right for the people.

The three candidates remaining are Wayne Goetz, Dierdrie J. Malloy and Barbara Smutek.
When you examine their reputations, credentials and past performance, you will see a refreshing group of citizens that are truly willing to serve the community.

A 'chat' string was recently obtained in which Deb Pine repeatedly defends Bernard Bouschor. It will be posted as soon as the condensed version and a link is ready for publishing.

1 comment:

Anastacia said...

I'm a little confused, Deb's grandma Lucille Nertoli and Bernards mom Rita Bouschor were does that make Bernard an Uncle to Deb??

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.