Friday, July 23, 2010


Fred Paquin made a deal with the feds and the courts that can change his future from living a hellish life in prison or a shorter term in purgatory. Not only will he be smacked with a big fat fine, he could serve a prison sentence of 1-5 years. The court also ordered him to pay full restitution for the thefts he has been charged with.

The best part of this is what most of us expected....Fred agreed to "cooperate with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Department of Justice, the Office of the Inspector General, the United States Attorney's Office and any other law enforcment agency...consisting of all steps necessary to uncover and prosecute...any and all criminal activity of which he is aware...truthfully testifying before grand juries..."...and the list goes on.(Plea agreement document will be posted soon.)

What we really want to know is...Who is on Fred's List?

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