Saturday, July 10, 2010


That is likely what the tribal members would ask of the Sault Tribe Board of Directors. Personal grudges, gossip and greed must be kicked to the curb and the focus should be placed on saving the tribe's assets as it should have been all along. Nothing else matters except preventing the incredible losses we have endured from happening again.

Directors...take a good look at the top and see who has pulled the plug on the tribe and allowed our assets to leak at a rate that was barely noticeable until it was too late. We need a reorganization of the tribe starting at the top for no other reason than the department heads have failed miserably in holding up their end, ensuring that all preventable losses were under control and that employees were treated decently so that they want to be productive and loyal.

No excuses can be made for those who had the power to do the right thing. We should all be part of the decision making and the direction we want to go in but instead we have been shut out. Time to patch the holes and get this ship afloat.

The only thing any of us ask of elected officials is to make this tribe whole again and the time to start is now. The message sent to the board with the recent election is clear...either walk the line from day one and stay focused on rescuing what's left of this financial mess, that the members of the Sault Tribe were dragged into, or start looking for a new job.

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.