Monday, October 11, 2010


Fred Paquin, former Sault Tribe police chief, who will be sentenced soon for embezzling from the Sault Tribe is being rewarded nicely for his donations. A report several months ago stated that Paquin had used tribal funds to purchase goods, some of which he later donated in his name.

Our tribal dollars (purchased with his double dipping salary and embezzlement monies?) are at work at the Fred Paquin owned Gateway Lanes. How ironic that this scum of the earth who stole from tribal members is such a welcome figure to some organizations in St. Ignace, Michigan. At one point, one supporter pushed for Paquin to be hired as police chief and he serves on the hospital board in that town.

Talk about a slap in the face to the citizens of the Sault Tribe that he stole from.

Gateway Lanes – Business Neighbor of the Month Oct 2010 EUPNews


Anonymous said...

this is an unbelievable thumbing of the nose at the law. apparently freddie feels comfortable in that one horse town which is complicite in his wrong doings. they ignored the crimes to get what ever they could squeeze out of the tribe. let's not forget that fred is also a board member of the st ignace hospital.where else could an admitted felon be awarded for his crimes? i was born and raised in st ignace and am ashamed to admit it. now i understand why i left as soon as i could. i will stand with lynne and never spend a cent in st ignace other than the bridge fare. the quicker this felon is incarcerated the better i will feel. will he be allowed to keep his board seat while in prison? wouldn't surprise me knowing st ignace politics as i do.

Anonymous said...

I've hated Fred for many years after moving here and hearing his crimes he has gotten away with. Yes, many people like him BUT MANY people know what he is and THAT is why he was NOT voted in as Chief of Police. Only 1 person pushed it and everyone knew he was in cahoots with Fred. Don't punish this wonderful town for one lousy monster.

Anonymous said...

Is he on the same Hospital Board that the Tribe donated the land to? The Tribe had Congress pass a law in order to gave up its protection under the Non-Intercourse Act in order to give the land to the hospital. This action will come back to bite the tribe in the you know what! Did Tribal members approve this? Do they even know about this?

Anonymous said...

this was a deal that certain bod members were well aware of causley and massaway and give me a drink joe were at meetings with the hospital board and we all know bernies association with skanska usa another squekie deal

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