Sunday, January 23, 2011


Benard Boosher has completed almost every step of his "recovery and return" plan.
Every step was predicted.
Ever since his loss to Aaron Payment, Boosher...aka Tonky Trump, has schemed to return to his entitlement.
He stopped a new constitution from becoming law.
That began after a surprise bus load of Boosher supporters showed up to be on the Constitutional Convention Committee.
He had the influence to get a tribal referendum overturned that prohibited him from holding an elected office.
He found people in the appellate that were willing to bluff the membership.
He mysteriously won an election to the Board by six votes.
A controversial back pack inside of the counting area cast doubt on his win.
He beats a theft rap by eliminating the tribe members from the jury.
He influences the Board to pay 300,000 for his legal fees.
He negotiates, in secret, with the Greek for another casino deal.
Currently, Board members are not informed of the negotiations or the parties involved.
This is typical of Boosher's influence. If they aren't going to vote his way...leave them in the dark.
This eliminates the so called democracy.

....This looks like he is getting right back up to the top..........

The only thing that he hasn't done to complete the plan is to neutralize Aaron Paymnet.
Right now, There is a removal petition in the works to remove Benard Boosher from holding a Board position for prior election violations.
Sign it!
Send it in!

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Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.