Saturday, January 8, 2011


The Sault Tribe Board of Directors voted to pay the crooked former police chief Fred Paquin, who stole hundreds of thousands of tribal funds for his personal use, another $18,000 for sick and personal time. What!?! That's right...Bernard Bouschor, Debra Pine, Cathy Abramson, Joseph Eitrem, Lana Causley, Keith Massaway, and Patrick Rickley want to pay the crook who was recently sentenced in federal court for crimes of fraud and embezzlement of federal funds another 18k. Paquin will be doing a year plus a day in federal prison for his crimes as well as restitution of some 200k plus.

Paquin wants the money that he tried to steal for sick time that he falsely claims to have accrued. Why would this board even consider such a thing? What does that make them? Cathy Abramson, that's right, CATHY ABRAMSON voted to pay off Paquin because she says the tribe has a long history of losing lawsuits. What?! So if the store continues to get robbed, we should be standing at the door with the money ready to hand it over to the crooks. Oh, that's logical...only if you're lacking common sense and the ability to make honest, legitimate decisions.

Word is that Paquin didn't accept the payoff but wants the board to sign off on his vacation pay and he wants a statement stating that if he accepts the money, we are "done" with him, assuming that to mean we do not prosecute criminally or civilly for his transgressions. More collusion by this band of no-goods to set one of their flock free?

Tribal member and former chairman of the Sault Tribe, Aaron Payment, is taking steps on our behalf to stop this nonsense. Please support any and all efforts to finally put an end to all of this corruption. Eventually, our voices will be heard.
The Honorable Jeff Davis, Assistant U.S. Attorney
The Honorable Lamar Smith, Chair - United States House Committee on the Judiciary
The Honorable Committee Members, United State Senate Indian Affairs Committee
Larry Echohawk, US Department of Interior - Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs
Mr. Eric Blubaugh, Tribal Prosecutor

Lynne Weaver

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If we as a tribe (Board) do the right thing, we should not back off or back down on what we feel is correct. I don't think anyone can say they have won every suit that was filed against them or that they have filed. Do the right thing and protect the Tribe and its property. We will understand win or lose. Do nothing and we all lose. Baamaapii Negee

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.