Wednesday, January 5, 2011


A few statements of disbelief are being heard in connection with the Romulus deal, such as:
"They must think we are as stupid as they are!
Who the hell are they trying to kid!
They don't really expect anyone is stupid enough to believe that!
It's not going to cost us a dime because they don't think it's our money!
McCoy needs to go back and finish the 8th grade!
I wonder how much they got 'paid' to feed us that line of Bull!"

All this is in reference to the claims from McCoy that a casino in Romulus is not going to cost the tribe a dime. The investors are going to pay for everything and all we have to do is count and pocket the revenue....if there is any.

Maybe these generous investors will buy us all a new car or maybe a house...and it won't cost us a dime. Maybe they will fill our pockets full of dollar bills and butterflies while making promises of how wonderful they will make our lives if we just agree to this "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is" deal.

I don't want a promise that this won't cost us a dime. I want a promise that the members of the Sault Tribe will receive dividends and a number of shares of Romulus. I want a contract that says if this goes through and McCoy fails to produce that we get all his worldly goods. I say McCoy and other board members who are behind this put all their property up as collateral. If this is such a great deal then they should be eager to do so.

I want it in writing. I want an evergreen contract tied to a golden parachute with a guarantee that if this deal fails that the individuals behind this will reimburse each and every tribal citizen a percentage of the cost as well as of the lost revenue.

Give me a break! Don't believe a word of what they are saying unless they are willing to put their own personal property where their mouths are...or where we can claim it when another Bouschor deal falls through.

Vote NO
until we get our written guarantees in place.


Anonymous said...

no one

Anonymous said...

It is a busy time of the year, with the people (Board members) that are backing this project I have again alot of concerns. I remember reading different articles in the papers about what the Greektown project would cost. One started around 270 million then it was cut back a few million and when we lost it or allowed our leaders to get rid of it for some unknown and still to this day don't have a reason from our leaders what happened the amount was something like 5 or 6 hundred million. We need change from top the bottom..Baamaapii Negee

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.