Thursday, February 17, 2011

Election Committee---Right Arm of Bouschor's Dominance

Bouschor's failures are too great to have been embraced by the voters, again.
A majority of the Sault Tribe citizenry voted to "not allow Bouschor to run for office". But somehow he managed to bluff the membership, with help from his appointed appellate buddies, and was determined to be illegible to run.
Mysteriously, he received six more votes than his strong opponent.

Conspiracy theorists suggest that Aaron Payment's election was allowed only because a scape goat was needed for the Bouschor disaster--Greek Town. Bouschor's influence on the Board would render Chairman Payment's administration ineffective for the entire term. Although Payment maintained his popularity, he was defeated by a nobody out of nowhere. Payment was fighting for a new constitution and employee rights. The election was his. But, election after election, Bouschor was able to keep his small majority influence throughout.

The Election Committee has played a pivotal part in keeping Bouschor in tribal politics. Their failures to secure the ballots, properly register voters, allow a security breech on the counting floor and their failure to distribute ballots to all registered voters is more than a coincidence in Bouschor's success.

Many of the sitting Board members have relatives that have been sitting on the committee during the questionable election results.
---- Do you think that the Board of Directors could find thirteen people out of the thousands of registered voters that aren't related ?
--- Is it time to change the way in which the committee is formed ?
If the Board was interested in forming some trust with the membership, they would consider such action.

The Election Committee isn't trusted!
Perhaps a citizen from each unit, not related to anyone on the Board, could be found.


Anonymous said...

Right about the election committee, but there is an answer: join the committee. THe board may not pick you but if good people keep after open seats the tide will change.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is important to change the makeup of the committee, you just need three letters of recommendation, lets fill every empty seat overwise we get funny ballots

Anonymous said...

These Election Committee is appointed by the Board of Directors ...who are under the influence of Benard Bouschor.
Ask the Board to dismiss all committee members and appoint a representative from each Unit that is recommended by their Unit Director.
They cannot be related in any way.
The Board has the power to accomplish this.
My God...if they can get Bouschor back on the Board...they can do anything they want. The question is..Do they want to appear corrupt or do they want to restore some confidence in their governing?

Anonymous said...

Good ideas but not real likely. There are no term limits on the election committee and hardly anyone on there ever leaves. Those who are on just keep getting reappointed. The committee is composed primarily of Pavlots, McCoys, and their relatives. When is the last time yous saw an opening on that committee posted in the paper ?Those on the committee pretty much control who gets on and who is reappointed. It is a closed shop. The solution is that the members need to DEMAND term limits and staggered terms. This is probably the most powerful committee in the tribe and it is controlled by McCoys ( ABRAMSON) and Bouschor supporters.

Anonymous said...

"We the People" need to demand by demonstration or any other viable means that the constitution we voted for be put into effect immediately and that the successful referendums vote be honored. "We the people" also must demand by any means that our election committee be restructured to eliminate further fraudulent activities. Maybe it is time for the BIA to become involved.

Anonymous said...

Bouschor won his legal battle, but he may have lost his ability to get reelected. By excluding tribal members from his jury pool he has armed his credicts with the fire power to beat him out of his elected position, remember his actions and when his seat is up campaign against him. We have to match his dollars with effort and run an active anti bouschor campaign.

we may not be able top change the election committee, but getting just one good person appointed can stop future election fraudf\

Anonymous said...

Lynn, I read your blog and I hope you make an effort to get on the election committee so that we can see a serious change for the better! Please, gather up the letters of recommendation and get yourself on there! We need someone to keep them honest! I know you are just the person who could do this.

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.