Thursday, March 24, 2011


The small majority of Board members and the chairman would have you believe that referendums are not necessary.
After all, they were elected to make the hard financial decisions.
They continue to complain of the cost for each referendum, in their Board Notes and in public.

It is because they are withholding government from the people that these referendums are exercised.
It is because the majority of tribal citizens feel that the "elected" are motivated by greed instead of good government.
Citizens are resorting to a constitutional right and their "elected" are complaining.

The government that the Sault Tribe members are getting is the "after the fact " government.
They have been excluded from participating.
That is why distrust exist.

The cost of democracy pales in comparison to the billion and a half that has been squandered by the "elected", in the last decade.




Anonymous said...

I agree that the Tribe BOD do not follow their constitution and are behind the scenes players with the BOD rules and regulations. But they are just following the lead of our country's leaders. Obama pushes through an unconstitutional health care act, that destroyed our democratic party, and then engages in war without congressional approval. It all stinks, but if the big guys can do it so can the little guys.

Anonymous said...

Same as the President. He promised transparancy and he has done everything but. We do not want to believe Obama is a sleazoid, because he should be better, he is a minority, but not true. All our political leaders are now corrupt and they get away with it because we let them. We can sit here and write about it on the internet but until we are ready to attend the Board meetings and protest their actions nothing will change.

Anonymous said...

what is a small majority //

Anonymous said...

Board does listen when we show numbers attend BOD meetings

Anonymous said...

A "small majority" is six Board members and a Chairman all working together to run their agenda down the throats of every citizen
Abramson, Bouschor, Causley, Rickley, Eitrem, Deb Pine....McCoy

of course Holowell when needed

Anonymous said...

well said

Anonymous said...

Sorry but these last two referendums were not appropriate and a waste of money. The decisions were already made and the money paid. A referendum was a soft way to protest and had no lasting impact. Instead, people should have stormed into the meetings and protested in person or begun recall petitions. What happened to that one Aaron had posted for Bernard for weeks and weeks. I am sure he had enough signatures . Did he decide to just not follow through ? Is he too scared to take the petition to a meeting ? Come on now, he did this same thing several years ago before he was Chair. Had a petition with enough signatures that was ready to be submitted and he and Lumsden cut a deal with Bernard for MONEY and never followed through. So the stink goes all ways. I will never ever trust Payment again. He had the opportunity to remove Bernard for good years ago and he sold it for money.

Anonymous said...

I disagree the referendums were important and did send a message to the board and anyone else that can potentially help us tribal members. With this we can push for investigations from outside sources. Tribal leaders not listening to the majority of our members.

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that a great many of the petition signatures were, the petitioner wants to CHA by getting additional signatures. I would give him a chance to present them. Remember, timing is everything....and elections are coming up.
Do your part. Camapaign for better government and reelect no one

Anonymous said...

If anyone thinks that the BIA is monitoring, watching or even giving a vague thought to the inner workings of our tribe they are sadly mistaken. The BIA is NOT going to intervene and solve these problems. It is only in very rare occassions that the BIA intrudes on a tribe's governing body and only for very extreme reasons. We are not even close to that. BB is sly enough to know how to operate.
Regarding the petitions, I do not believe there was ever any intent on anyone's part to follow through. If they had been submitted or were even close to being submitted we would have been told. I believe Aaron posted that petition on Bernard as some type of intimidation tactic, a game of his. Aaron has not set one foot in a meeting since he lost the election. He certainly will never, ever, walk into a meeting with a recall petition against Bernard.

Anonymous said...

Here we are folks.....Still posting the same ole things. Arguing among ourselves about the usefullness of petitions and referundums. Geeze it brings to mind that story of Rome burning while Nero was fiddling. And the BOD continues doing whatever it is doing while we are distracted. Maybe they are not as stupid as I once thought they were. They do,after all is said and done, come out on top.How sad.

Anonymous said...

Leaders Wanted

Several openings to fill

Must be of good character and willing to serve

Good pay and benefits

Discuss it with your family, friends and neighbors.

See if you can bring enough support to get yourself elected to a Unit Director position.

Elections are this summer

Sault Tribe needs you

The corrupt must be defeated

Anonymous said...

All Aaron is doing is getting ready to run for the BOD. He has been collecting email addresses and getting ready for the campaign. The question will be do we want someone new or a rerun that did nothing for the tribe.

Anonymous said...

You know Aaron has great potential. The key word here is potential. The problem is he has never grown beyond the games mode. He sits in his house and sends out emails and does behind the scenes games slamming current leaders. He just has not gotten the message that members want leaders who demostrate courage and leadership. By that I mean they need to get and meet and talk with people, go to Board meetings and raise issues, stand up to people in person not sit behind a computer spewing dirt on others to make oneself look good. Aaron has a good heart and is basically honest, but his arrogance and his immaturity are and have always been his downfall.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous, that said,"All Aaron is doing is getting ready to run for the BOD".

Aaron fought for our new constitution....he fought to save our money...he fought to jail those that were corrupt...

what has Abramson, Causley, Bouschpr, Rickley, Eitrem, Pine and McCoy done for us?????????

all that we did for Aaron was to tell him, "it wasn't enough".....

We need Aaron back in there WITH OUR TOTAL SUPPORT........ SO THAT HE CAN GET THE JOB DONE

Anonymous said...

It would be a HUGE mistake to put Aaron back in office. HUGE. He has a lot maturing to do before he is capable of holding office again.

Anonymous said...

In reference to the post Leaders wanted. There are a lot of talented and smart people in this tribe who would be willing to step up. Unfortunately a lot of them do not live in the 7 counties. There isn't even a unit for them to represent. A unit 6 would have solved that pesky little problem but we all know that isn't going to happen any time soon. Another very good idea kicked to the curb by the powers that be. So until other people are allowed to run for the BOD...well you can see where this is going.

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.