Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Co-opted Board Members

Sault Ste. Marie, Mi... The Sault Tribe is fortunate or unfortunate; however, you want to view it to have several Tom Delay's on the board. Mr. Delay met newcomers to Washington at the steps of the nation’s capital. He opened their car doors and if they needed a pack of cigarettes, he had it for them. If they needed a valet, there was someone available. If they needed help with anything at all, he was Johnny on the Spot.

Over the years, Mr. Delay became one of the most powerful men on the hill. His competitiveness and pay to play and fund raising activities made him one of the most sought after men in Washington.

Some tribal board members are like that: directors Abramson and Bouchor and Causley welcomed directors-elect Hollowell and Pine with open arms. They did everything they could to make them feel at home on the board. They ingratiated them to the point where they won their support on an issue of utmost importance to them... board secrecy. An issue that just happened to co-opt them and put them at odds with most of the membership and on another issue, ignoring the results of referendums, after which their having voted upon they were no longer representatives of the people, but…directors, belonging to the system.

Directors...not civil servants but corporate directors…who reviewed reams of information absorbing countless facts and who ultimately overlooked all the tribe's activities, both governmental and entrepreneurial. Who belonged to the ruling clique that controlled the board now, who were thus in a position to control legislation and peddle influence and strike fear into the hearts of those who defied them.

Suddenly these newly elected directors knew a great deal more about what was going on in the tribe than those who elected them. Having no one to answer to when they didn’t feel like it and with the tribal newsletter available to spout their views in, they now looked forward to the support of their counterparts at election time. Coached in the mechanics and strategies of retaining their newly won seats, having gained a position allowing them to dominate the very people who elected them, they had, so to speak, turned the tables.

Whoever would not play by their rules now, they would have very little to do with if anything at all. Members worked for them now, rather than the other way around. They were directors...conscriptions to a board culture and in doctrinaires to a system, who wouldn’t need the general membership again until the next elections…and then only for a short while.

Thank you, Charles Forgrave


Anonymous said...

There are lots of people that want to know who they can vote for to replace Cathy McCoy Abramson, Lana Causley and Joe McCoy

Lynne Weaver said...

Hopefully some good candidates will appear. I understand there are a few being 'groomed' by the wrong trainers. Watch out for them. To give an idea what's coming, Lana Causley apparently wants to eliminate that one rule that keeps felons off the board. Of all the problems in this tribe, that's what she chooses to fight for?! Fred Paquin should be out of prison just in time for the next election....could that be who she has in mind?

Anonymous said...

If Aaron has the signatures to rid the tribe of itss worst problem he needs to turn them in

Anonymous said...

Certainly, we need to see some leadership. We need to know that certain people are committed to the removal of the corrupt.
We also need to let these people know that they have our complete support throughout the effort.

Anonymous said...

It seems as if Hollowell takes her 'stupid' pill before each meeting, and Pine drinks her 'nasty attitude' tea. Yup, they fit in real well with Bouschor and Abramson.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Board candidates should be required to pass an IQ test. I think that would have eliminated Hollowhead and Box of Rocks Abramson right off the bat. If they also had to pass some type of ethics test, do you suppose there would be anyone left there other than Malloy ?

Anonymous said...

I am waiting for Hollowhead, Pinhead, and Rockshead to start whining about you picking on them again. Oh those poor poor Board members, making 70 grand a year with absolutely no defined duties, and no skills to boot yet people are always picking on them.

Anonymous said...

I work for the tribe as well.I make 15,000 a year...I pay my own bridge fare and buy my own gas. Haven't had a vacay in 15 mos. Work every day and I can define my duties very well. I challenge a board member to say the same with a straight face

Anonymous said...

Oh but don't you know that these BOD members are now the direct boss of you ? Since they stripped the chair of all his power ( Hoffman's brainy idea) now individual BOD micromanage and stick their big, inept, unskilled, uneducated and untrained noses into everything. They are so arrogant that they do not even realize that they are not qaulified to manage anyone.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to director Malloy for her unit report. about time someone stood up and spoke the truth. She could not have stated it any better than she did. It was never my understanding that I voted simply to remove the letters CEO and not seperate the powers. Who thinks this stuff up and then actually has the cohones to say "oh yeah that's what you voted for". I mean come on what is up? Are we really going to just let this go? Director Malloy is exactly right when she says we need to put the pressure on. I guess starting with emails and phone calls is a beginning and if that doesn't work well then who knows. Might be time for some "fundamental change".

Anonymous said...

The reason why they try to pull fasts ones on us is because they think we are stupid. And why do they think that ? Based on the evidence. The evidence being that Unit one members demonstrated their stupidity time and again by re-electing Abramson , and electing Boushor and Pine. Who but all out idiots would do this ? So of course they know we are stupid and they can pretty much do what they want.

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.