Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Your Right to Vote is in Their Pockets

Elections during the past thirty years have been plagued by ballots missing through the U.S. mail and ballots mysteriously appearing in the counting room. Each time, it benefited the Bouschor Machine in one way or another. It isn't a coincidence that the Election Committee has been chaired by a "core family" member. In some cases, entire families are denied their right to vote through a snafu with the mail or a software problem.. wink.. wink.

Despite the fact that they have received their ballots for twelve elections prior, individuals who were clearly opposing the Bouschor menace failed to receive their ballot during critical elections that could have change the balance of power. Each time that they inquired about their voter registration, they were told everything is fine. They were told that they should have received their ballot.

So, what can you do about it?
Filing charges against the Election Committee Chairman for negligence, and incompetence will not get you your vote. All you will get from Abramson, Causley, McCoy, Pine or Bouschor ..."We really know that it is a problem. We are addressing the issue,".....what they are really saying , is...."So What?"

It will take great effort to unseat the mafia.
Desire, money, time and a coordinated effort is required get your vote back.


The Rest of Us said...

Entire Families? WOW, you would think those entire families would have went straight to the Board, to the feds, to someone. But they didn't-- perhaps because its easy to say these things than to prove. When Bernard/Aaron wins its because of a corrupt Election Committee, and when they lose, because of the same corrupt Election Committee?!?! Maybe Lynn, you just don't like that some people elect them, and the election just reflect the peoples choice, be it good or be it bad.

Lynne Weaver said...

I didn't write this article but it does reflect my opinion and the opinion of just about everyone I talk to. What makes you so sure the feds aren't aware of what's going on, Jim Smith durtydayz?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are just unaware of the many complaints surrounding the number of missing would rather ignore the issue all together because you have some feelings of guilt.
The election committee is either corrupt or negligent. I like to think that they are all of the above and ....crafty
Your grammar is comparable to DP's
no wonder you are in denal

Anonymous said...

There is a problem, but do you realize that there is a seat open on the election committee?

Anonymous said...

It takes only one person to corrupt the entire election committee. Like a person who use to be Bernards drinking buddy.

Anonymous said...

Some of those with complaints need to start taking action and go and sign up for the Committee and then get the real information from the inside. Come on now Charles, Aaron,Lynne.....what is your reason for not applying for this open seat ?

Lynne Weaver said...

The election seats are controlled like everything else in the tribe. Several of us sent letters a few years ago and followed the requirements for the openings that had been available for several months. As soon as we turned in our letters, the positions were immediately filled with Bouschor friends...Isaac McKechnie was appointed. What we need is a change by limiting the terms that one person is allowed to serve on the committee...2 years and out.

Anonymous said...

A few years ago ? Based on one attempt a few years ago you now have sufficient evidence for all your claims ?

Nathan Wright said...

I was on the culture committee and resigned via e-mail and was told later I need to have it hand written by the committee secretary. So I was still on the committee at the time. A few people spoke to me and I decided to stay on (One of the reasons I was unhappy is certain individuals on the committee posted an ad in the paper implying everyone on the committee agreed to the ad, this was not true. The other reason is certain committee members like myself were not able to put items on the agenda). So at the next meeting at the very beginning I stated I wished to stay on. Immediately, Lana Causley, her father and other Bernard supporter’s first item on the agenda was to accept my resignation. The secretary stated this was not accurate since he did not accept it. Did not matter. So when the previous person makes it sound easy to join a committee, if you don't agree with their politics, they will do ANYTHING to discredit you. Or make it difficult for you to attend meetings. Like call last minute election committee meetings and if you miss to many kick you off. That’s the type of crap these committees pull. I know because I was on one. Of course if you really don’t like a committee you can just get rid of it as the recently did.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you apply for the open seat on the election committee...if there truly is one?
You would certainly give it credibility

Nathan Wright said...

"You would certainly give it credibility." Yes they would love that. But as mentioned it only takes one person to corrupt it. How will Charles see someone pull a stack of ballots out of a truck and insert them into the count? What about when some of us went to the post office and seen a number of ballots in the mail box that the election committee did not pick up and include in the count?

Anonymous said...

love it.

Anonymous said...

Nathan it does sound as if you did indeed have a bad experience. But again, can we stop efforts based on one bad experience and a few letters years ago ? What is the alternative ? Sit and wring our hands and wait for someone else to make change ? Neither the BIA or any other federal authorities are 'watching' the tribe or monitoring elections. No one is going to intervene. The only way that change will come about is if we the people demand it. Sitting and complaining about corruption without being willing to take steps to make change does very little.

Anonymous said...

We are going to have to rely.....hopefully, we will be able to, on those that have consistently demonstrated their desire to serve. I am optimistic about DJ Malloy....I am proud of Lynne Weaver's efforts both as a candidate and as a voice. She continues to assist in the cause by providing this site. I am also proud of Aaron Payment's service along with Todd Gravelle. The two of them took on the "worst" that the tribe has to offer. With a greater amount of support from us... they could have given the tribe a new path.
We must have changes in Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit keep McCoy and Bouschor out of the chairman seat.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Nathan has said. I was on a couple of tribal committees for years and all they did was give Boushor what he asked for. Most of their members were tribal employees and got the afternoon off with pay and couldn't have cared less. Thanks, Chuck Forgrave

Nathan Wright said...

I agree with Chuck, committee members who work for the tribe do get time off to attend meetings.

The other comment "The only way that change will come about is if we the people demand it. Sitting and complaining about corruption without being willing to take steps to make change does very little."

Agreed. Making people aware of corruption is the first step as some of us are doing here. But there is very little that can be done that we have not tried already. Other than making people aware.

Did I fail to mention I did not receive my ballots last election and when I complained and said I would make a big stink if I did not receive them they were over nighted to me?

Many do not know how deep the corruption is. Why some people who are corrupt don't even think they are.

Notice the person who was telling Chuck to join a committee is no longer responding. Because they know how it is. On the surface they make it sound so easy but underneath their is a twisted web of lies and deceit. And if you live outside of the Soo, forget it.

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.