Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Successful Tribes Are Reshaping Governance
By Mary Annette Pember

"The problems of some Indian communities were cemented in old governmental structures, set up by the US Department of the Interior 80 years ago. Now many tribes are rewriting their rules of governance, for greater transparency."

Read the full article...copy and paste link in your browser.



Anonymous said...

We have a new Constitution but can't get the Powers to be to put it in place. So what good did it do us, Spend a ton of money again and get nothing for it....

Anonymous said...

This administration kept it from the membership

New Constitution Ready for Board of Directors Review and Approval
Friday, 04 May 2007

The Constitutional Convention Committee has finalized a revised Constitution which is now ready to complete its final phase which is presenting the final document to the Board of Directors in a board workshop. The following document was produced with input from tribe members in various communities across the State and Country. The committee has addressed many issues and concerns while also taking numerous recommendations and has created this document based upon tribe member input. The Board of Directors will have an opportunity to review the document, address their concerns, and offer recommendations prior to its submission to the Secretary of the Interior and Bureau of Indian Affairs at which time; a Secretarial Election will be conducted to gain an ultimate vote of the membership to adopt the new Constitution.

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.