Friday, November 30, 2007

Can you Imagine

There is no religious freedom when authorities are forced to delegate to what extent our freedom of religion can be exercised.
Majority rules in a democracy. When we vote, majority rules. If 1% of the population does not like what the other 99% has to we bow to the 1%? When we place our votes during an election do we go with the majority or the minority?
It does not matter what religion each of us identifies with. It matters that everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs should have the freedom to express those beliefs, publicly or otherwise....thus our rights guaranteed under the constitution for "Freedom of Religion". The same goes for those that choose to remain free of any religious is their right to make that decision.
No one can deny that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ. It is what it is. If some choose to make it a 'holiday' for the purpose of buying gifts then so be it. But those same people have no right to remove Christmas from the meaning of the day for the rest of us. Just as I wouldn't take someone to court for refusing to put up a Christmas tree or for saying "Happy Holiday" instead of "Merry Christmas", no one should demand the opposite from those of us who prefer to recognize the day for what it is.
I welcome other religions to display their beliefs so that we can all learn and accept one another's choices. No one should feel they have to keep their religious convictions behind closed doors but that is what is being forced on most of us.
If there is respect for differences in religion then there is no harm done and therefore, no reason to fix what isn't broken.. By restricting our freedom of religion to private property only, we are opening the doors to more bias. Where does it end? Churches are public....will they eventually be forced to remove the crosses from the steeple and the advertisement of services from newspapers or the signs from their lawns. It is going to far and will continue unless the majority demand their rights under the constitution.
Leave religion alone and go after real crimes instead.
I am not suggesting that you, Chuck, are wrong in your beliefs or that you should not express those beliefs. I also would expect the same respect that I can freely express mine. If someone wants to call their tree a "holiday tree" then fine but don't try to stop me from calling my tree a "Christmas Tree". I would not protest the placement of a "holiday tree" or a sign stating such but I would also expect the same right to display a "Christmas Tree" and a sign stating such if I wished to do so. It works both ways

Charles Forgrave wrote:
Sorry, Ladies,
But the government can function without doing anything to support or promote religion on the people's property.
It's a fact of life that evangelical and fundamentalist governments have always been the most racist and bigoted and we certain don't need any more of them.
The people in government are free to pursue they're religist freedoms on their own the time clock.
The U.S. constitution guranantees a seraration of church and order to protect our religious freedoms.
Afterall, the original colonist fled Europe to escape religious persecution for being of one sect or another, and we don't want anything to do with that in America.
There's plenty of opportunity for everyone to express thier feelings about Christ, or Whomever away from government property, on their own time, on their own property.
So......Merry Christmas, God Bless You, Happy Hoidays and Seasons Greetings.

Thank you, Charles Forgrave

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