Saturday, January 31, 2009

Government Takes Stand Against Corruption

According to Yahoo News "it was Bye-bye to Blago, the corrupt
Illinois governor. He may have left politics, but we'll always
remember his hairline.

Rod Blagojevich, the disgraced former governor of Illinois, was
removed from office this week. After making an impassioned plea
for his job that apparently fell on unsympathetic ears, state
representatives not only took away Blago's job, they banned him
from seeking any political office in the state of Illinois. Ever."

Bye Bye Blago...Bye Bye Bouschor...something sounds familiar here.

An overwhelming majority of Sault Tribe voters tried that with
Bouschor but with too many of his kind in control, including the
corrupt Sault Tribe judicial system, the voters were kicked in
the teeth. Now he's back, and an overwhelming majority of
Sault Tribe members are losing their jobs and medical benefits
including Elders, whose health is suffering as a result.

Many blame Bouschor's retaliation for putting him out of his
beloved 'seat of power' for the last four years. Of course, the
economy is also to blame but many of the "first on the list to go"
were anti-Bouschorists while the highly paid 'new hires' have a
history of pro-Bouschorism.

If Blago tried this, he would most likely end up in prison and
when it comes to ethics and justice, it does prove that there is
strength in numbers....unless of course, you are a member of the
Sault Tribe where ethics and justice are nothing more than a joke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The economy has less to do with the long term financial problems of the Sault Tribe. Millions of dollars were squandered by a inexperienced Chairman who's ego placed the tribe's resources into one basket, which has been referred to as "Tonky"s Diamond Mine...aka Greek Town. The debt service and the cost to build somewhere other than where the city wanted it plus the penalties for late payments,have drained millions more from the already empty coffers. To top it off, the former chairman gave away milions to political allies when he was defeated by Aaron Payment. The ill advised venture with the greeks will keep the tribe down for another ten years. This board of directors aren't going to show any sensitivity to the situation that they have guided the tribe into. They are firm that they will not lower their paycheck....even though they failed to protect the resources of the citizens.

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.