Saturday, August 7, 2010

Council woman, Deb Pine Lies To The Membership In First Unit Report

By Nathan Wright...from the Sault Tribe Guide
Pine's comments are an abuse of power, a display of poor judgement and lack integrity.

In Council woman Deb Pine’s Unit Report on page 24 of the August issue of Win Awenen Nisitotung (Sault Tribe Newspaper) she states, "I would like to thank the following for their unconditional love and support in that good anishinabe way." She then lists several people including myself who did not support her. I would like the Sault Tribe membership to know I did not support Deb Pine. This is an outright lie and should be a testament to her character. If she is willing to lie to you about this, then what else will she lie to us about? I feel justified in calling it a lie because if it were only meant to be sarcastic, it was lost on 99.9% of membership; so what’s the point?

One of the biggest reasons I did not support Deb Pine was due to her unwavering blind support of Bernard Boushor. Recently Deb handed out a document outlining Bernard and her mother’s contributions to the Sault Tribe prepared by Bernard's attorneys to the board in a closed meeting. The Sault Tribe attorney immediately picked up these documents and the board voted unanimously to keep Deb out of participating in the Tribe’s case against Bernard’s due to her conflicts of interests. In Deb’s view she believes because Bernard and her mom brought the tribe so much money we should overlook the money he owes the tribe. I disagree. Unethical behavior, such as stealing Tribal artifacts and robbing the Tribal coffers in the dead of night, cannot be wiped away by any good deeds of the past. One could also argue that while Bernard and Deb’s mother did in fact bring money in to Sault Tribe, they were hired, and paid a hefty sum to do so. Remember this was no beneficent act on their part. It was their JOB!

The above article can be read in full at


Anonymous said...

it is amazing joe thanks all the next round of people who should be fired for the 25th anniversary TONY RUSS AND ALAN HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE THOSE GUYS DO NOTHING EXCEPT COLLECT A CHECK HOW IS RUSS RESPONSIBLE HE SITS IN THE SHORES RESTERAUNT ALL DAY WITH HIS WIFE EACH OF WICH DRAW A NICE CHECK FROM TRIBE AND DO NO WORK WHAT SO EVER. It is common knowledge what theives cheryl and russ are they have never worked a full 40 hr week since working for the tribe for twenty years add that up you would be shocked

Anonymous said...

it is amazing joe thanks all the next round of people who should be fired for the 25th anniversary TONY RUSS AND ALAN HOW STUPID DO THEY THINK WE ARE THOSE GUYS DO NOTHING EXCEPT COLLECT A CHECK HOW IS RUSS RESPONSIBLE HE SITS IN THE SHORES RESTERAUNT ALL DAY WITH HIS WIFE EACH OF WICH DRAW A NICE CHECK FROM TRIBE AND DO NO WORK WHAT SO EVER. It is common knowledge what theives cheryl and russ are they have never worked a full 40 hr week since working for the tribe for twenty years add that up you would be shocked

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