Thursday, October 21, 2010

Race did not have a play in this decision

Bouschor's Win Demonstrates how "worthless" the Sault Tribe Constitution is.
It doesn't offer any protections from corrupt behavior. Race did not have a play in this decision. The failed tribal constitution was the culprit and always has been.

This event should be the engine that mobilizes the membership to secure the already drafted constitution that offers real protections against corruption.

Now, in the court of his peers, Bouschor can be judged.

The current constitution doesn't protect the people but they have other actions that they can use to remedy the problem. Charges can be filed, recall petition can be used. We can achieve his removal as well as others that show this kind of behavior.

Let's not let this disappointing decision break our will to restore the integrity of our government. We must collectively fight for a day when our leaders will think twice before they steal from us.

anonymous (This writer prefers to remain anonymous)


Anonymous said...

A Tribal Constitution is only as good as your Tribal Court. Tribal Judges are appointed by the BOD
so you have absolutely no protection. Remember it was a Tribal Judge that allowed BB to run for office in the first place. You can file all the recall petitions you want to the BOD but when they toss them out where is you next stop? Tribal Court. Welcome to Indian Country!

Anonymous said...

Race was absolutely a factor, and a huge one.

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.