Bouschor secretly crafted a plan to pay off his political promise.
He did not communicate, with the governing body, his plan to fire "key" legal department and administrative employees.
He did not communicate to the Board of Directors that 2.66 million dollars would be
withdrawn from tribal accounts in such a stealth like manner and without their approval.
Bouschor assumed that Mr Payment would fire his political henchmen, yet, no one was
ever fired during the Payment term.
Bouschor said that he "acted in the best interest of the tribe"....HOW?
Bouschor had created an "us against Payment" mentality with his "key employees".
They didn't want to work under Chairman Payment because they would then have to be accountable.
Through political maneuvering, Bouschor managed to delay justice.
He has managed to keep the Sault Tribe citizens from enjoying equal protection under the law.
The entire Bouschor era was given a free pass by the Board of Directors, especially the long term members.
Bouschor said that he "acted in the best interest of the tribe"....HOW?
R Janetos
In all fairness Payment had people fired and he also over-reacted in most of his public communications.
Bernard was and is bad for the Tribe. But so is AP. He had his chance and blew it. He has blown every job his has held. NMU-fired,Chairman-lost, LSSU-fired,MSU-fired, Sippi-investigated. Realize he is so filled with hate that he only sees tribal board members as targets in his obsessive quest to get BB. AP offers confusion and is not a good leader.
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