Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Will there be a decision tonight on whether to appoint a chairperson or hold a special election? Try to attend if you can and show support for what you believe is the right thing to do.


Anonymous said...

You must know that the Board has already decided in advance what they are going to do. Their objective will be to keep Aaron away at all costs. If only he had just kept quiet. Aaron never ever will learn when to just keep quiet. Announcing that he would run in a special election was all the fuel they needed to go full steam ahead and make plans to keep him out. Even the Board members who like Aaron don't want all the conflict and chaos he would bring to the Board. If he had kept quiet maybe the board would have decided to hold a special election. Now they will latch onto any excuse they can in order to avoid one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As time wears on the Board is less and less able to act on any business. It sounds as if tonight was more like a subcommittee meeting. It is time for real community leaders to speak and prepare for what now seems inevtiable. This Board is totally dysfunctional. Not all Board members are contributing to the dysfunction but there are enough Board members who cannot understand that the old days of no accountability are actually stopping this Board from conducting real business. The dysfunctional seven have shot themselves in the foot. The others are frustrated to no end but they are doing what needs to be done and that is supporting the rights of tribal members while publically evaluating the inappropriate deals the dysfunctional seven keep trying to make behind closed doors. It is a stalemate in a way, but should soon become obvious to Board members with any brains they are in checkmate. The dictatorship is over. No one else wants to go to prison so fear of getting caught in illegal deals has finally ruled over greed. Yea

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.