Friday, June 10, 2011


According to a Facebook posting in the Sault Tribe Guide by Director DJ Malloy, "The Sault Tribe lost a lawsuit stemming from a dispute over the Bates Garage in Detroit (it was to be the parking garage for Greektown). The lawsuit stemmed from an employee signing an agreement on behalf of the tribe, for "132 Associates, LLC" a limited liability corporation in which we are the sole owners). In signing the agreement, the employee also signed a waiver of sovereign immunity and it has caused a great loss in legal fees and now a loss of 2.5 million dollars. Yesterday, the owner of Bates garage presented the court order to banks in Northern Michigan and in doing so froze our assets in haste and without our prior knowledge. This resulted in a couple of checks presented to one of these banks, to be declared "non-sufficient". Our legal department immediately contacted all the parties and worked out the particulars and identified for them that the money had indeed been set aside and there was no need to freeze the tribe"s assets in every bank we do business with. This resolved the situation and the checks were honored immediately following them contacting the bank. " 
Director Malloy also stated that, "I always think that what you fail to tell people can better be made up via speculation and rumor... I would rather tell you what I have been told than have someone else make up a better story and then have to "react" to it. 
In a later response to tribal member questions and concerns Director Malloy said, "The lawsuit stemmed from us not utilizing the garage in the way we had intended. And apparently there was a clause that allowed for the owner to recoup over 2 million dollars if we did not make the planned improvements to the garage. In the course of several signings of this contract, a waiver of sovereign immunity was missed and signature attached to the document creating a liability for our tribe. The tribe has argued that the employee had no authority to sign the document (via resolution or motion) and furthermore, the tribe was immune from suit. We lost on both counts. This is an old situation and I may not have all the fact straight but I am giving you all what I understand to be the case."
For those of you who might be wondering who the tribal employee is that signed the agreement it was Vic Matson, Sault Tribe's CFO. Where else, other than the Sault Tribe, can an employee cost the members so much money resulting in a loss to member benefits and still have a job?! 

Lynne Weaver


Anonymous said...

THe Bates deal was contrived by Fitizpatric and BB. They were involved at the time. Once again we are paying for GReektown

Anonymous said...

wasn't dan weaver CFO?
Vic did it after BB lost?

Anonymous said...

This lawsuit happened during the Payment Administration! Tell the truth about this whole thing, not just bits and parts that make up a story.

Anonymous said...

For one thing no one signs a waiver of soverign immunity by mistake. No contracts are signed without legal reviewing them and at the time that the garage deal was being made the tribe was waiving immunity right and left.
Second, what is the use of this exclusive Face Book Club started by Nathan where people can only interact with his permission ? Come on the last thing we need is another little exclusive club.

Lynne Weaver said...

Vic signed the agreement without the waiver and without the authority. It was his one else's. The court decided not to take the Sault Tribe's side. Could it be a long running reputation of corruption and deceit?

Lynne Weaver said...

Regarding Nathan's Facebook page, the Sault Tribe Guide: When I heard of it I asked to join. simple. No one is turned down. Here's the thing though....if you want to be included you have to have a Facebook account with your real name. Not a big deal for those of us who have nothing to hide.

Anonymous said...

Well it seems that Nathan wants to keep his club exclusive. Just because someone wants to keep their indentity confidential does not mean they have something to hide. Nathan likes to brag that he always signs his name but he no longer works for the Soo Tribe and has nothing to fear. Others do. So ok keep your little group. Obviously he is only looked for like minded input. But some of us live and work in the real world and we know how vindictive the Board can be.

Lynne Weaver said...

Nathan doesn't control is what it is. If you want to join the group than just do it.

Anonymous said...

A waiver of soverign immunity is PART of the contract, it is imbedded in it not a separate attachment. No way could anyone not see it if they even read what they were signing. The tribe cannot come back eight years later and say the inital signer did not have authority. DJ's explanation does not even make sense and she needs to do a little more work on her own before she just passes on the tribal line of bull to us. As for Nathan, his group is restricted. Not everyone on Facebook can be a member they have to apply for permission to him. Let him take his group and keep it.

Anonymous said...

The Bates deal was not "contrived" by Fitizpatric and BB. That is just an outright lie being said so that those that were serving on the Board at that time have someone to blame.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but DJ's comments do not even make sense. Every contract has a section on enforcability. In this section it states if the contract will be enforced by the tribal laws or state laws. There is no way that someone did not know that a contract waived soverign immunity. DJ needs to check her facts and get copies of the documents for herself. Otherwise she is passing on the tribal cover up stories.

Anonymous said...

I had really looked forward to Dj Malloy being a true representative for the people. Turns out she is getting good at the political games. Her only difference is she aligns herself with Aaron and follows him. I suppose that makes sense because his administration did bring her into the tribal circle. She has become reactive to what is happening around us just like the rest of the board.

Anonymous said...

Nothing took place without Benard's permission and direction. He was a control freak and still is. If you are afraid of the Board or management ...maybe because you or your family have something to loose...that is all the more reason that you should support the opposition in the next election. For istance, Cathy McCoy Abramson has been a party to all of the things wrong with tribal government and management. Lana Causley has so much baggage and lacks any credible expertise and Benard Booschor is a low life sucking all that he can from the tribe...then you have Rickley, Eitrem....these people are learning how to suck from Benard.....Deb Pine already knew how...she learned it from her aunt and uncle
Get rid of them...ask honest people to them all the way...change the path for this tribe.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of honest people willing to run..The problem..they do not live in the 7 counties..change that and see what happens.Do not change it..well i guess I don't have to explain it. I am still strongly in favor of giving them the boot by any means necessary.We are not dealing with rational people here so I don't see much hope for referendums and elections

Anonymous said...

Come on....there are honest people that live within the unit boundaries..

My suggestion.....

Aaron Payment should openly support a coalition of candidates, including himself, that will run for every position that is open in this election cycle.
He should run for Chairman. He is the strongest candidate and can help get other people elected with a unified coalition in place. Every vote he earns...they get....and every vote that they earn...he gets..It is a win win.
Then, in the next election cycle, they can again help elect a coalition sworn to serve the Sault Tribe. It would be at that point that the tribe would be given a fresh start. The constitution that Aaron fought so hard for, will get a chance.
It is no skin off his nose..what happens to the tribe...but, he cares enough to continue the battle with polls, referendum and removal petitions. His heart is in the right place.
More tough times are coming..he will be open and honest about the road ahead.
When they call for your financial support and ask you to help in the proud to do whatever you can.
Get rid of this BOUSCHOR curse...finally.

Anonymous said...

Very good suggestion,however,it would still be operating on the assumption that the election is fair and honest. Call me jaded and cynical but I have no faith in the election process. I am all for Aaron and his cause and would be happy to do what i can.That being said I stand by my belief that excluding large numbers of people from running is patently unfair.

Anonymous said...


Let's get a coalition of candidates that Aaron Payment approves. That way he can control everything being that he is the smartest and most intelligent person in the tribe right? This way we would have only one mindset, as Chairperson he would not have to deal with the little peoples wasted mind processes, thoughts, or experiences; and life would be so tralalalala for all Sault Tribe members. I AM SO TIRED OF THE AARON VS BERNARD WAY OF THINKING. Let's get rid of those that have made a lifetime salary already at the trough. Top offenders in this area are, Cathy Abramson and family, Bernard Bouschor and family, Debbie Pine and Family.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that the CEO and the Chairman are separate.

Aaron would certainly be the guide...but the Board would make the decisions.

Aaron would keep it open...the Board would have to live up to the new standard

Aaron would serve the Board as well as the citizen / members.

He could initiate the direction and actions necessary for a democratic system.

Without a would be "For the Good Of The Tribe".


Anonymous said...

DJ Hoffman left the tribe with a terrible burden with his stupid resolution to separate the Chair and the CEO. You cannot run an organization with the Board micromanaging every step. Especially a board that has no skills, education or training.

Lynne Weaver said...

If the new constitution were in place, as it should be, a separation of powers (as provided in that document) would prohibit the tribal board from micromanaging everything.
We need a concentrated push from the tribal members to force the implementation of the new constitution.

Anonymous said...

i would like to put a happy note to all this director chases pow wow was a great time as usual one thing that was very funny for the first time in the four years that my family and me have been going tom miller was there must be election year? As usual all of director chases family was there helping out ow remember these are the ones that have either lost their jobs or the board is trying to get them fired and they still come out to help god bless them.

Nathan Wright said...

The Sault Tribe Guide is all about productive change in our tribe. Yes, you have to register with Facebook and request to join STG. This reduces the number of personal attacks and is why the Sault Tribe Guide is a place people want to be. We have 150 members and growing each day. We have some simple basic rules. Our members decide what the rules are, I am just a facilitator. Everyone on the STG likes the openness of it. No one complains about posting anonymously. Given the number of attacks out there by anonymous posters (re. Soo evening News) I think this is the best way to truly have a productive conversation. All the cards are on the table. For those who disagree or are afraid of using their name and being retaliated by the board….well, we are fighting for people like yourselves so you’re not afraid. I lost my job at the Sault Tribe due to politics, but I still fight for fairness amongst all members of our tribe. NOTHING will change unless we speak up, and say who we are. So for those anonymous posters who just want to remain anonymous? Be brave. All Sault Tribe members and their families are welcomed at STG, just send me a request. I realize for some of you, no matter what I say you will respond with something negative….just remember it is that negativity that I believe put us in the current Sault Tribe situation (two groups fighting). Be open minded, be open. If you don’t like this common sense approach to this problem, then create your own group and let’s see how productive it becomes. Bring our members together to have a productive discussion is not an easy task, but so far it’s working at STG. I believe Lynne is doing a great job here as well. Miigwech.

Anonymous said...

It is very easy for you to say be brave, you are no longer dependant on the tribe. When you have people like Cathy Abramson on your site no one is safe, no one at all. You need to deal with the reality here and that is that some people do want to observe and particpate without negativity, but cannot risk being exposed. The tribe has many, many ways to retaliate and have left many shattered people in their wake. So go ahead and have your little uptopia where everyone gets along, but that is not the reality. You have created an elitist group but have not done anything for those who are still oppressed. Get in the real world !

Charles Forgrave said...

I think most people including Nathan appreciate and understand the difficult place members working for the tribe are in...when it comes to speaking their minds. You're right, it's not just a matter of bravery, it's also a matter of need your job and your family needs you to work. However, Nathan is also right, we need to encourage those who don't work for the tribe to be brave enough to speak up. Many people would post anonymously if they could get away with it, and in so doing, avoid having to get off the fence and take a stand.Thanks, Chuck Forgrave

Anonymous said...

People can still have good messages even if they do not post their name. Nathan is not seeing the real or bigger picture. We are not just all going to sit around and be nicey nicey with each other. Cathy Abramson is part of his group. He lets her in but not others who in fear of her will not put their name. SHE IS PART OF THE PROBLEM.She and the rest of her kind need to be given the boot.

Anonymous said...


Cathy Abramson has been the problem from the beginning. She said that whatever Benard wanted was o.k. with her.

Her husband and other family members have enjoyed the "PERKS" of her power despite the ethical or moral conflicts.

She is as bad a Bouschor and always has been.

She teamed up with Causley and Hoffman to protect Paquin.

She fought the new constitution

She wants to eliminate voting rights for all Mac Band people....that is her thanks for their loyalty to the tribe

She is a low life sucking on the tribe's purse.


Nathan Wright said...

I believe your opinions are of a more personal nature which you have not revealed here even though you are anonymous. You have also contradicted yourself:

In your last post you said (referring to Cathy A.): "She and the rest of her kind need to be given the boot."

And then in your previous posts you say:

"So go ahead and have your little uptopia where everyone gets along, but that is not the reality. You have created an elitist group but have not done anything for those who are still oppressed."

What you sound like you asking is for us to kick Cathy off the STG, now wouldn't that be elitism?

Many of our STG members have expressed frustrations with the tribe. Many have expressed being oppressed. You don't know my own history to make such statements. Do some research.

And what a great opportunity for members like yourself who have an issue, to take it up in front of those you feel are responsible for the issue. They may not respond, but at least they know other members are reading your comments. Again, speak up. Nothing will change by saying nothing. Nothing has changed for you with the time spent attacking STG here. You need to check on STG before passing judgement. And it is the members who make or agree the rules. I posted on STG what I said earlier in this thread and so far, not one person agreed with anonymous. And we have people from different political groups. Some talk, some say nothing. But it's all good. If you want to discuss further go to STG. Miigwetch.

Anonymous said...

In a way....I agree with Anonymous that Cathy Abramson has nothing to contribute toward the opposition of the corrupt elected.

She is corrupt and has served her master, Benard, for all of the years she has been in office.

As part of the STG, she has positioned herself to be privy to those that oppose her and her cohorts....if they dare express it.

It is "personal" to more than half the tribe. Going through a billion dollars, is personal. The STG is a nice opportunity...or...."Community". However, I don't feel that it would allow me to express the frustration, distrust and fear that I feel toward those in office that remain loyal to Bouschor.

Anonymity offers people the chance to share their view, safely.

It is the message that you examine....not the messenger.


Anonymous said...

Again you are being totally unrealistic. One cannot safely reveal their concerns or frustrations with the tribe while being affiliated with them in any way. For you to expect they would shows that you have not a clue. And, to include Cathy A. in any group of concerned people makes the entire set up a waste of time.She will just take the info and use it for her own purposes of advancing herself or ridding the tribe of her enemies. WHy you are trying to force people to expose themselves is a mystery. Cathy A. has exploited the tribe over and over again and she represents the worst of the elite core group. And it appears to me now that you are not even close to being Board material yourself.

Anonymous said...

Both Cathy Abrmson and Cathy Hollohead are both on the Sault Tribe Guide. They are there for one reason only and thats to spy. We know it and we have to let them know that we know it. Remember that any negativity that gets back to the board will be blamed on them. anyone loses their job and we do a full out campaign against those 2. FULL Out!

Anonymous said...

Well I would never waste my time trying to participate in a discussion with these two lunkheads.

Anonymous said...

I have an idea. Sub contract out the Board of Directors to educated White or Black Folks so they can get us back on track. Better pool to pick from and they could care less about sovernity. Bottom line, they dont give a shit about our petty issues and will do a better job then our people ever could.

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.