Thursday, June 9, 2011


Originally posted in the Sault Tribe Guide
By Tom Biron
Every new effort provides results. The representatives on the board who are actually fighting for us cannot act unless we make it clear what we want them to act on. The corrupt group will act if we dont tell them not to, so we must continue the process until we get it right. 

I think we need to say what it is that we are seeing - straight out - and what it is, is the corrupt group are not good politicians. They are good corruptors so they will take what we offer and corrupt it the best they can. Is that what will bring them and us success? No. But it provides evidence of their incompetence to lead and we can use that as we build our base of support for the board members who are fighting for our rights. We have to stay the course. Not too much longer folks.

The Sault Tribe Guide is a Facebook group started by Nathan Wright. Join us in some productive discussions. Open a Facebook account, if you don't already have one, and look for us..."Sault Tribe Guide"
Lynne Weaver


Anonymous said...

Deb Pine wants to pray for Aaron Payment and thinks others should as well. This is a prime example of Deb Pine's hypocricy. I believe she flaunts the feathers, traditions and verbage of being oh so traditional in public, while remaining a coniving backstabber behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...

She ought to try praying that she can break away from the evils that have hold of her but first she has to recognize who and what they are. I don't think she will ever figure it out cause she was raised that way.

Anonymous said...

Very good point ! Deb travels in that little protected circle where the members define religion and traditions and self appoint themselves as the experts and capable of doing no wrong. She may not even realize what a low life hypocrit she really is. Wow, someone should pray for her !

Lynne Weaver said...

Excellent points made. I have similar feelings about why some members stand back and think that what Bouschor and his kind have done to this tribe is okay because they simply don't know any better or they are accustomed to what this tribe has become. Some might have little to do with their Indian heritage and are embarrassed by who they think Indians are, but yet they hang on hoping that someday there will be something in it for them or their children. If we don't show the children the right way, they will all grow up thinking that taking what does not belong to you is okay....remember, children learn what they live.

Anonymous said...

You're all a bunch of hypocrites. Why don't you mow your own grass before you start chomping on everyone elses? Those that do not support Aaron Payment say the same things about you, and where has all of this gotten us? NOWHERE!
Put down your hate and go talk to people that are working towards a goal that is not someones political plan or pathway to power.

Anonymous said...

Nathan's Facebook site is a CLOSED site. How does he expect to generate interest if people can come and go, and not have to ask permission to register.

Anonymous said...

This so called blog is a joke. All you do is publish the remarks made that help to split this tribe.

Nathan Wright said...

By joining.....

Nathan Wright said...

The interest already exist through word of mouth, of if you know someone on STG they can invite you as well.

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.