Saturday, July 30, 2011


A database is being set up to gather the names of all those who did not receive a ballot in ANY of the last three - four Sault Tribe elections. If you received a ballot to vote in the primary but did not receive one to vote in the general election, or vice versa, we would like to know. If you have been registered to vote, have not moved or moved but notified the tribe of the change of address, please contact me at

We also want to know if you have been denied benefits that you feel you were entitled to, without an understanding or reasonable explanation of why you were denied. Your participation is extremely important and your identity will be protected.

To join a group who intends to make some much needed changes within the Sault Tribe, there is a Facebook group called the Sault Tribe Guide, but it is not anonymous.

PASS THE WORD...the next election is less than a year away and it's time to turn the tables in our direction.


Anonymous said...

Yeah that will be real effective. I am sure the Board just loves have a site where people are planning things to dethrone them and take their power, and all they have to do is read who, and when and where. Folks please get real and get out of the grade school mentality where we can all sit in a circle and be friends. Isn't going to happen. And people who are serious about helping with any cause are not going to want their names and info spread all over the net.

Anonymous said...

This just a gimmeck to elect Aaron Payment...

Anonymous said...

Let's hope it works

Anonymous said...

I wish I had some faith...I do not. As far as I am concerned you could register all the DEAD indians and the good guys still would not win. The people running this show are so ingrained with wrong-doing and corruption that they would not know the "right thing" if it walked up to them and said "hello I am the right thing".An all out revolution is the only solution. Hmmmmmmmm...revolution,solution. See what I mean? They must rhyme for a reason.

Anonymous said...

Oh and btw....gimmeck? that has to be from a board member.

Anonymous said...

This "blog" as well as the "Sault Tribe Guide" are nothing more than media prostitutes working to get Aaron Payment elected again. We have seen how he does business and it really is not any differently than what has been going on for years. Aaron points fingers and blames as well as the rest of them-just with a little more swish. I realize this will not make publication but you really do need to know that we are not stupid and we can see through all the master schemes that have been thrown our way. Get rid of all of them and start from scratch with those that have integrity.

Anonymous said...

TO : The above anonymous

Are you kidding?
Is that why you have supported the Bouschor mafia all these years?

Aaron Payment never took anything from the tribe. In fact, he was responsible for reducing the chairman's pay

You need to get your facts straight.
Aaron Payment is a champion of the people.
Most of us are glad that he stood up to the worst of the tribe.
You, obviously didn't have the heart to do that...
You, obviously care little for justice and fairness. That's o.k. He will fight for he has demonstrated in the he is willing to take the fight right to the greedy, self entitled liars that have a strong hold on the tribe's purse.

Anonymous said...

Aaron plays politics just like the rest of them. He had opportunities to nail Fred and looked the other way until it became impossible to do so when the feds had the evidence. Aaron never once really came out for the workers, just kept coming up with more useless personnel policies that the board could and did overturn at any time. He refused to even assist with a union which is the only way workers will ever be treated decently. Aaron even at one time had a bonafide, fully signed, petition against Bernard in his hands ready to turn into a meeting and then after a discussion with Bernard he threw it away. He and Mike L both ended up with more money. Aaron may have some good qualities but he is fixated on Bernard and he plays too many games at the expense of the people. Get your heads out of the sand people , he is not saint.

Anonymous said...

Sault Tribe Times. Funded by Bernard, for Bernard, and you have to have been pretty dumb to believe everything it said. It folded because of pending lawsuits. Oh and lets not forget the long list of criminal activity of the founder who recently was paid off by Bernard via the Sault Tribe members by having him develop a website for the Sault Tribe to the tune of $9,000.

Anonymous said...

"" Sault Tribe Times. Funded by Bernard, for Bernard, and you have to have been pretty dumb to believe everything it said. It folded because of pending lawsuits. Oh and lets not forget the long list of criminal activity of the founder who recently was paid off by Bernard via the Sault Tribe members by having him develop a website for the Sault Tribe to the tune of $9,000.""

OMG , hahahaha , if you believe this idiot post, then have I got a bridge to sell you!!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me?

Let me school you a little bit since you assume that just because I do not support Aaron Payment I support Bernard Bouschor, and that anyone that does not support Aaron Payment does not have a heart or any caring for justice and fairness.

I do not support either one of them. I have worked for our tribe for the past 25 years not because my family or my name got me a job, but because I am committed. These two guys that were "leaders" do nothing but split our tribe apart. Their followers also split this tribe apart, which does nothing but cause havoc.

Aaron Payment does not fight for me. I have been able to raise a family and provide for them because I have integrity. It has never been what can the tribe do for me, it is always what can I do or my children do for the tribal community.

We do not need a board of directors, we need a tribal council. Form a business committee and let them take care of the businesses so we can get back to being a tribe and not an organization full of self-absorbed, power hungry, money whores.

I abhor the board of directors and their immaturity. They do not cast a favorable light on the Ojibwe of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe.

The only thing I have faith or hope in is those that do the work every day and are not compensated with the $67,000 to $72,000 checks that Aaron Payment coordinated- since you brought up the self entitled liars that had a strong hold on the tribal purse strings.

Lynne Weaver said...

I have to agree with the 3rd anonymous poster regarding a revolution, solution. Our constitution is not working for anyone except the greedy corrupt.

They are everywhere in our tribe and in our local communities where are casinos are located. Some may sit on the town council, some are local business owners, some are on school boards, some are planted in real estate offices and in the banking industry and others are embedded in local judicial systems.

Only so many of the opposition are allowed on the Sault Tribe BOD, just enough to keep them weak and ineffective.

I have come to the conclusion that the only solution is a revolution. If we ever intend to put an end to all the crimes against the Sault Tribe members, it will take more than just words and pieces of paper to make it happen. It will take members standing up as shareholders who have been screwed over. It is your tribe and your money. You might just have to gather together and tell the SOB's to get out!

Anonymous said...

Great points made by last anonymous poster. Aaron may well be a good leader someday, but he needs to grow up first. Mature individuals do not want their leader to engage in gossip and backbitting.He is doing the same thing that cost him the election, gossiping and looking for dirt on his enemies rather than focusing on the serious issues of the tribe. He seems to think that if he discredits someone then he looks better. Not true.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that is the case with Aaron Payment.
If he exposes someone for wrongdoing, for example with the Bouschor camp, that covers almost three decades of behavior, it is to
let people see what is really going on and not what is reported or not reported in the tribe's paper.
If the real story came out...bouschor, abramson, causley, eitrem and pine would never be in the position that they are in.
You assume the motive of a leader.....what is your motive.
Why don't you go before the Board and ask them for the truth?
Or, is your motive to start rumor or discredit someone?
You, in good conscience can't tell us that any of those characters mentioned have done anything good for the tribe.
It is people like you that is keeping this tribe from moving forward. You support the greedy self serving politicians, for some reason. Why don't you ask the Board for accountability?
Do you think everything is above board?
At least Aaron Payment told you what was going on...what you do with that information is obvious.

Anonymous said...

Aaron is selective in what he uncovers. You never get the full story out of him. A good leader is transparent, that Aaron is not.

Anonymous said...

Like we needed Aaron Payment to "expose" anything. He is just selective as posted before. Sorry guys but Aaron is not what you try to portray him as. He had his chance and did nothing but play along. KICK THEM ALL OUT AND START OVER, THEY ARE ALL A BUNCH OF CROOKS!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with previous post.It IS time to start over. In my mind what better time? Things are already in the toilet.Keeping the status quo only insures the continued downward spiral that we are in. I mean did you check out the latest edition of the happy land paper?Unit reports that said absolutely nothing except that they all took another trip on our dime. I am very angry that they can travel all over the place and we are still working for peanuts,our properties are falling apart and we have ZERO leadership. I work at the Shores and I can tell you that for a building that is what? 5 yrs old it is rapidly approaching dump status.Broken things are rarely fixed,the plumbing is a nightmare,carpets are filthy,can't keep houskeepers because they don't want to pay them anything..the list goes on ad nauseum.And I won't even start on the lakefront.And they are traveling around acting like everything is hunky dorey. Well things are not hunky dorey,employee morale is at an all time low.Folks work for the tribe because they HAVE to..not because they want to. If there were other jobs in the area all GOOD employees would be gone.
I am a firm believer it is time to shake things up and not with some lame referendum or petition that they will just ignore.I mean shake things up!!!

Our right to make changes through referendum is the one voice we have left....use it.