Sault Ste. Marie, Mi...Tribal members have to resent what the wealthy Detroit businessman, Mr. Gatzaros, has done. He's called a member of their tribe and tried to bribe him to use his influence over their get it to vote for a casino in Romulus, Michigan.
Mr. Gatzaros, along with Detroit businessman Mr. Gerald Campbell, also wealthy, made proposals to the Sault Tribe offering their influence with the State of Michigan and the City of Detroit...and Romulus,Michigan...for approval of and the development of a casino in the vicinity of the Detroit Metro Airport.
The tribal board accepted their last offer (on a tie vote broken by Chairman McCoy) for 26% ownership of the new casino in exchange for their influence. With the kicker here being that these wealthy Detroit businessmen aren't putting up any of their own money, not a penny of it. Still on the deal they struck with the tribe, for every $ 100,000,000 the proposed casino grosses they will get $ 26,000,000 of it.
Consider for a moment: the huge difference between 26% of a businesses net profit and 26% of its gross profit...huge is putting it mildly. This deal has a familiar ring to it...remember Greektown? Mr. Garzaros loved that deal. While he put up $25,000.00 of his own money, he made off with $70,000,000, a decent return on any investment. Is there any wonder he's back again...
Mr. Campbell's original proposal to the tribal board was for 28%. One of the board members leaked it out to Mr. Gatzaros and he made a counter proposal of 18%, undercutting the proposal by 10%. Later on and subsequent to one maneuver or the other, each of them ended up with 13% of the proposed casino's gross profits.
So now they're partners in crime. After all, bribery is a felony offense. Certainly the state's Attorney General's Office would see it like that. What about Mr. Ken Ermatinger, one of our very own who sits on the Michigan Gaming Control Board;that board will have a dim view of it, not to mention the F.B.I., who has always had a watchful eye on the gaming world.
Isn't it time to rid the tribe of director Boushor along with his sleazy buddies Mr. Gatzaros and Mr. Campbell. Isn't enough enough when it comes to these three? Think of sleaze in the tribe and who do you think of...yes, two of the above, and now Mr. Campbell the billionaire, making it three.
The tribe really needs to get rid of director Boushor. Get rid of him and the largest part of the sleaze element affecting the tribe will be gone. His latest triumph, successfully manipulating the legal system and getting away with stealing S2,600,000 of the membership's money, straight out of the operating budget, should be the last straw for him.
The director is corrupt. He's become a lightening rod of dissension in the tribe. His simple presence on the board is now a huge deficit for the tribe. He really needs to go...and take his corrupted buddies with him.
This whole affair begs the question...are all the Injuns' on the Sault Tribe's tribal board honest? You be the judge.
Thank you, Charles Forgrave
Editors Note:
For those who may be unclear of the difference between net profit and gross profit the simple explanation is this:
Your paycheck (gross profit) minus your bills (net profit) = the amount you have left to put into savings or spend as you like. Imagine that you made a deal to give your landlord 26%, or more than 1/4 of your paycheck (your gross profit) even if you received lots of overtime pay or earned an extra bonus or commission. Would you give your landlord 1/4 of your extra pay you earned along with your regular rent payment?
Do you give your bank 1/4 of any extra pay you receive for your mortgage payment just because you like them so much? Kind of stupid isn't it?! What kind of stupid board members and tribal chairman would agree to such B.S.? Dumber than a box of rocks stupid ones...that's who with Bernard Bouschor at the top of the pile!
Lynne Weaver